We are a resourceful, action-oriented institution based in Zug, Switzerland which lives for the future by making every moment count. Our mantra as cosmopolitan service provider includes seeing possibilities beyond what is currently known, accepted... or obvious, helping your company to reach its fullest potential. We stand for Swiss quality, added value generation and satisfied clients.
I always wanted to become self-employed, but had personal difficulties in organizing myself. Accordingly, I contacted AC Attractive Corporation AG for personal coaching, and I got back more than I thought at the beginning. What I didn't know was that AC also offers products for exactly this niche in Switzerland. Besides an inspiring coaching session, where we actively brainstormed together and worked out a structure tailored to my needs, I was able to find many more very important and useful tips in the book and the marketing card set. Now as part of the 7-Chapter-Challenge I feel better than ever, because I got exactly the structure I was missing at the beginning, and now I know exactly what I want to work on, on a daily basis, in my company. Thank you!
Alle Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu AC Attractive Corporation AG sind subjektive Meinungen der Verfasser | Für den Inhalt der Seite ist der Profilinhaber verantwortlich |
Profil aktiv seit 29.03.2022 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.10.2022
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