Entdecken Sie das Potenzial Ihres Wohnraums mit Hilfe einer individuellen Feng Shui Beratung. Ich betrachte das Wissen und die Weisheit des Feng Shui als ein zeitloses und ganzheitliches Erfahrungssystem. Mit deren Hilfe eröffnen sich neue... Perspektiven auf räumlicher und persönlicher Ebene. Dadurch können neue Impulse für die Gestaltung von Lebensräumen gefunden werden.
Discover the potential of your living space with the help of an individual Feng Shui consultation. I understand the knowledge and wisdom of Feng Shui as a timeless and holistic system of experience. It helps to open up new perspectives on a spatial and personal level. Therefor new impulses for the creation of living spaces can be found.
I really enjoyed working with Andrea. She was generous with the information she shared and time she spent in consultation with me, had great ideas for improvement, and was also practical in her suggestions, recognizing the limitations of living in a rental and being located in a less-developed country.
Die praktischen Tips, die Klarheit in der Gesprächfuhrung waren ausschlaggebend für mich, um in mein Thema gut einzusteigen und es umsetzen/ anwenden zu können. Danke
Andrea was a really good listener and was able to connect the dots between the issues in my life and my space. She gave me practical ideas to resolve them and also design ideas. I now have a peaceful bedroom and I sleep much better in it. I also have tools to improve other areas in my house. I am very pleased with the experience!
In just a short period of time, Andrea was able to lead me from “something about this space and how I use it has to change” to clarity on my exact next steps. What followed was a whirlwind of energy to implement the simple but powerful changes she recommended - and I immediately felt the results.
Alle Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Andrea Puck sind subjektive Meinungen der Verfasser | Für den Inhalt der Seite ist der Profilinhaber verantwortlich |
Profil aktiv seit 26.06.2018 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.02.2021
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