Carolin Arndt Nutrition

Nutrition I Advice I Implementation

Carolin Arndt Nutrition
4.94 out of 5
136 Reviews
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With the NUTRI.NØRD method, I help busy people to stop wasting time in the nutritional jungle and finally reach their feel-good weight with more power.

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Carolin Arndt Nutrition
22085 Hamburg

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Carolin Arndt

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4.92 out of 5
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4.81 out of 5
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4.96 out of 5
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4.94 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
I especially liked how quickly I was able to implement the tips in my everyday life without having to give up. And also real specialist knowledge about ingredients, that you don't chase after every piece of advice and new trend but really understand what happens in the body. And how harmful some cures such as juice fasting are for the blood sugar level.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
08/22/2024Lisa H.
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
That's so nice to hear, that's exactly what it's all about. I'm so pleased that you were able to integrate it into your everyday life so easily! Thank you so much for your great feedback and I'm glad you were there:)
5.00 out of 5
These 20 days have really changed my life and turned my diet, my shopping and my view of food into something so positive that I wouldn't have thought possible. The tips are so easy to implement and I noticed the first changes after just a few days: hardly any cravings and energy lows in the afternoon. Even my sleep has improved, which I couldn't have imagined. Even my family has joined in and we are delighted with all the delicious recipes. If you haven't spoken to Caro yet, you really should, I'm very grateful to have taken the step and I'm looking forward to everything that's to come.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
It's amazing what you've been able to pick up and integrate into your everyday life in such a short time. I'm particularly pleased with the feedback on the changes with the family, because there are always very different needs coming together and that's a good thing :)
Thank you very much for your excellent review and for being there!
5.00 out of 5
I am absolutely thrilled with this wonderful challenge. It has done me so much good and opened my eyes in so many areas - I really thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Caro, for your excellent work. Such added value for the price is worth twice or three times as much to me. And your support and patience are priceless anyway! Thank you for everything. I can only recommend it!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
How happy I am to hear that and so nice that you have taken so much added value for yourself and your everyday life! Thank you for your great feedback and I'm glad you were there:)
3.53 out of 5
I did a 6-month program with Carolin last year. As she had advertised that this program was especially for busy women and I am always very busy at work, the program appealed to me and I was prepared to spend almost 5,000 euros on it so that I could manage to get from around 75 kg to 69 kg and improve my blood lipid levels within this time. In the end, my blood lipid levels had improved, but my weight had not improved significantly. I only had some success at the beginning, but then the weight went back up again. It simply wasn't enough for me to have a shopping list of foods and a calorie count (including macro information), which was never adjusted despite requests and requests for changes due to a lack of success. I often ate the same things all the time to fit in with the guidelines, but of course that wasn't nice in the long run either. And she did the online courses on macros in a really nice and professional way, but if you're a scientist like me and have already done a lot of work on nutrition, it didn't add much value for me personally. And unfortunately, pointing out that I need less stress and more sleep to lose weight doesn't help my case either. That's exactly why I chose this nutritional consultation: I wanted nutritional advice and to find a way to lose weight despite having a stressful job (which I love). In a case like mine, you could have just been honest from the start and said that my professional lifestyle would make it difficult to lose weight.
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Customer review & rating for:
Persönliche Ernährungsberatung
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you very much for your review, dear Vicky, and congratulations again on the results you achieved during our collaboration a few months ago. You can be very proud of that.
With all the input, intensive support and regular adjustments that you were able to enjoy through the 6-month program, you have already been able to implement a lot of your plans.
Of course, six months in advance, you can't really know exactly how well you'll manage to actually go the distance, and that's perfectly fine. Sometimes life has other plans. But you can always achieve your goal if you take a holistic approach to these circumstances in life and always make the journey WITH your body. In addition to the implementation of nutrition, the body also needs the right signals in connection with stress, sleep, regeneration, mindset and exercise. Metabolism, hormonal balance and energy production are optimally interlinked and, together with nutrition, will help you reach your goal in the long term. Everyone has their own individual pace.
We have also planned your plan beyond the period of our collaboration so that you have everything you need to keep going and realize the potential that is still open according to your possibilities and at your own pace. I wish you all the best and am here for you if you need support in the meantime. All the best!
5.00 out of 5
Caro uses her in-depth knowledge to teach you the important basics of nutrition.
It's not a competition where the best are at the top - no, you see for yourself how much you can and want to do for yourself, your body and your life, and simply realize how exciting nutrition affects your body.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
08/06/2024Julia M.
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Yes, you said it, dear Julia! 🙌 That's what the challenge can offer you, because each of us is so complex and therefore different and so it can be with nutrition. I'm very happy about your great feedback and thank you from the bottom of my heart! It's great that you took part :)
5.00 out of 5
Dear Caro, I've already mentioned it several times, I'm super happy to have done the challenge with you. I feel simply wonderful. No headaches, no cravings, full for a long time (a completely new feeling) and I don't even care about chocolate and cake here at home. Just great! Thank you very much for that 😘
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you so much, dear Steffi! I am so happy about all these great successes as part of the challenge. It's really amazing what you were able to do for your body while you were on vacation. Keep up the good work :)
5.00 out of 5
So much knowledge, such close support, so much commitment! And most importantly, nutrition should be fun! Thank you dear Caro for this great opportunity, I'm doing really well and I feel better in my body than I have for a long time ☺️🙌🏻
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
How wonderful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and I'm very happy to know how good the challenge and all the input have done you. So glad you were there, dear Anne:)
5.00 out of 5
The workshop with Caro was refreshing, inspiring and very insightful.
The needs and backgrounds of the participants were focused on, so that each workshop is likely to be slightly different, but that also makes it so individual.

An important conclusion from this workshop: nutrition involves so many aspects, which is why your own personal diet must always be individually tailored! It's a super relaxing feeling, because you don't really need any "diets" or modern nutrition trends.

Many thanks Caro!
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Customer review & rating for:
Workshop mit Caro
07/08/2024Sarah S.
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful feedback, dear Sarah! I'm so pleased that you were there and had such an inspiring time. Thank you so much and see you again soon :)
5.00 out of 5
Dear Caro, thank you so much for the great challenge! The 20 days were a real game changer for me! This new feeling of being full by making the right food choices is just really good! You have packed so much knowledge into the challenge and passed it on, for which I am very grateful! Hardly any cravings and when I do I have a good alternative to hand! I'm already looking forward to the sugar challenge!
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Customer review & rating for:
EAT YØUR ENERGY Challenge 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Dear Anne, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you and your success in the challenge - congratulations on this great start :) Thank you so much for your kind words and your great feedback. The start has been made and the next wows for your well-being will come;)
5.00 out of 5
I was once again tempted to do a challenge with Caro and, as always, I was totally thrilled by her expertise, her professionalism, her loving and friendly manner and her incredible joy in accompanying people on their way to a healthy lifestyle.Even outside the challenge, Caro always had an open ear for all my questions.I am so happy and happy with my new attitude to life!
I can only recommend Caro to everyone, it's just great fun with her! Thank you very much Caro, I would love to take part in the next challenge again.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Dear Sandra, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and your wonderful feedback! I'm delighted to read how much you enjoyed the challenge - you could feel the enthusiasm during the time, so thank you again for your participation and contributions! So valuable :)
5.00 out of 5
Caro creates a great atmosphere, even online, where you can ask any question, which she answers with charm and expertise. There is a lot of knowledge, wonderful recipes and everyday life hacks. I can recommend the challenge 100%!
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Customer review & rating for:
EAT YØUR ENERGY Challenge 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
So nice to hear how you experienced the challenge with all the trimmings and what added value it offered you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely feedback, dear Christine! It's great that you took part!
5.00 out of 5
Carolin is a friendly, always cheerful and above all very competent nutritionist.
With her very extensive specialist knowledge, she is always able to answer all the questions she is asked very comprehensively and to our complete satisfaction.
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Customer review & rating for:
EAT YØUR ENERGY Challenge 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you very much for this excellent review and the great words!
5.00 out of 5
Once again a new challenge from Caro, in which I took part. I have the feeling that from challenge to challenge there is more and more knowledge and experience that is passed on to everyone.
With the "underestimated" (vlt?) topic there was so much to know, especially what exactly is important with food and the "when, how and where".
The respectful approach to the topic of nutrition is great and it's also nice to hear that you don't have to give it up completely.
I really underestimated sugar! Thanks to the exchange, I will now be more conscious about it.
Once again a big thank you to Caro!!! You can tell how much love and passion she puts into her work! Proud and respectful! Best regards!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Wow, such lovely feedback - I'm really happy about that, thank you so much! Especially that you enjoyed the challenge so much and that you were able to take away and implement your added value on so many levels.
5.00 out of 5
The challenge was just great for me! I love Caro's mix of information, really practicable hacks and the mindset. The recipes are delicious and I'm totally inspired to keep doing exactly what Caro has shown me over the last few weeks. I've also noticed that I'm much less tired and have much more energy. I am also much more balanced, relaxed and happy. Digestion and general well-being are also much better ☺️. So: 100,000 thanks for the great challenge!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and the incredibly great feedback! It's so nice to hear how good the challenge has done you and what the simple nutrition hacks have achieved. I'm so happy for you! 🥳
5.00 out of 5
Because of my fructose intolerance, I thought I already knew a lot about the subject of "sugar", but Caro taught me otherwise. I learned a lot more during the challenge. Caro explained the sometimes very complex content in a very understandable way and gave us a lot of knowledge that can be put into practice in everyday life. She did all this with so much joy and passion that I can only recommend her to anyone who needs help with nutrition, no matter what kind - Caro is the perfect person to talk to.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
How wonderful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great feedback and your kind words 🙏 You came into the challenge with your own challenge and can be so proud of yourself for having already done so much for your body and implemented the steps in your everyday life. This is just the beginning :)
5.00 out of 5
The challenge leaves no questions about sugar unanswered. In several sessions, Caro provides comprehensive information that is packaged in a way that is suitable for everyday use.
The challenge is not overwhelming, but makes you want more and literally invites you to continue.
Many thanks dear Caro.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Yay, then the challenge did everything it was supposed to! Thank you so much for your great feedback and the excellent rating :) I'm really pleased that you took part and were able to take so much away with you.
5.00 out of 5
Carolin is a very competent nutritionist who always knows how to pass on her concentrated specialist knowledge to the participants in a way that is easy to understand.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you very much for your great review! 🙏
5.00 out of 5
Caro manages to convey complex content in understandable words. With her know-how it is so easy to change your diet and feel fitter, more alert and healthier again!
1000 thanks for that!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
That sounds great - thank you so much for your great feedback and the wonderful words 🙏
Great that you were there again!
5.00 out of 5
Thank you so much for these great weeks with you. I was able to take so much with me, because you always portioned everything well.
Always happy to come back and I have and will recommend you to others!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you too, I'm so happy to hear that! Your input was and is very valuable and I'm looking forward to everything else:)
5.00 out of 5
Thanks to your clear and understandable manner, you convey your content in an entertaining way, despite the extensive information. The structure helps you to stay on the ball. You make the introduction to the topic and the new habits low-threshold, step-by-step and with simple, pragmatic recommendations suitable for everyday use! So that everyone gets the feeling: Yes! I can do that! Thank you so much, Caro!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great feedback and your excellent rating! I'm delighted that you took part and that the challenge worked so well for you :)
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