Denis Bederov – entrepreneur, businessman, and professional who devoted his life to lifting his business to greater heights. The conscientious and careful approach in combination with self-motivation allowed him not only to graduate from the... University of Hanover with great results. D.Bederov worked hard and reached top positions in such large enterprises as SIEMENS AG and ORDERMAN GmbH.
His proficiency and skills in IT and leadership approach allowed him to found own business - BEDEROV Air Solution GmbH & Co. KG and BEDEROV GmbH in Berlin. Denis is both a great leader and a team player who values his employees and colleagues. His experience in leading international development teams led him to success in business and opened up new opportunities for further projects’ growth. Apart from IT, Denis is also involved in space projects which will have a great impact on our future lives.
Besides being a great entrepreneur, Denis Bederov is a happy family man who does everything to make the life of his beloved wife and two kids better every single day. With the great support from his family, Denis is planning to grow further both professionally and personally to reach new goals and experience new opportunities.
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