I help you to live more aware and holistically healthy, get more Clarity in your Life and empower you to follow your Dreams!
Personally i live with Tourette Syndrome and ADHD. I can help you also with that or a similar "Disability" to live more... in Harmony with Life.
When you don’t had a free Call yet, go ahead and book one and we see how i can help you. ✨
I was impressed by the way he explained certain things and taught me some important breathing techniques for relaxing oneself and how he came up with a plan for self-development, it was interesting and meaningful, truly a life-changing experience.
I would definitely recommend Felix for the great stuff he had in his minds regarding personal development and the positive impact he had brought me for my previous coaching with him, it was truly a memorable and impactful experience!
Felix Poyel is an exceptional life coach who truly has a passion for helping people improve their lives. He has a deep understanding of human behavior and uses his expertise to provide insightful guidance and support to his clients. Through his coaching sessions, Felix helps his clients identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. He has a warm, supportive and non-judgmental approach that makes his clients feel at ease and encourages them to be open and honest about their struggles. Felix's commitment to his clients' success is unparalleled, and his ability to empower and inspire them to be the best versions of themselves is truly remarkable. If you're looking for a life coach who can help you achieve your full potential, I highly recommend Felix Poyel.
Alle Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Felix Poyel sind subjektive Meinungen der Verfasser | Für den Inhalt der Seite ist der Profilinhaber verantwortlich |
Profil aktiv seit 21.01.2023 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 06.04.2024
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