Girl Flip Construction


Girl Flip Construction has always prioritized gender segregation, precision, quality, and care.

Our team includes Renovation Experts, Designers, Project Managers, and in-house Contractors who are dedicated to delivering the highest quality service and craftsmanship.


Girl Flip Construction
7751 Alabama Ave
Canoga Parka, California (CA) 91304
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Erica Anenberg


Soziale Medien

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3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (5,00)
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Sehr Gut (5,00)

9 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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5,00 von 5
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Erica is the owner and operator of this company. She is extremely professional, timely, and a great communicator. She listens to her client's needs. I used their services to design and build, and they surpassed my expectations. She happily adjusted plans when I asked to make some last-minute changes. Thank you, Erica and the Girl Flip Contraction team!
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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Thank you, Erica!! I was surprised because Girl Flip Construction was the only contractor not trying to convince me to remodel other areas in my house. I told them what I needed, and they did the job right. Fantastic communication.
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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Erica and the team are THE BEST! After a disappointing experience with another contractor, Girl Flip Construction stepped in and truly cared for us. They were detailed, kept us informed on crucial decisions, and went the extra mile even with the challenges of a 90-year-old house. Every day, they were punctual and ensured our home remained clean. We comfortably lived here with our three boys and I even worked from home during most of their renovations. They offered fair pricing and were respectful throughout. Just great! :-)
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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Had Erica and her team from Girl Flip Construction install a wall, closets, and relocate an electrical switch in our house. Erica was impressively prompt. She visited on the same day we inquired for a quote, always mindful of cleanliness by covering furniture and removing her shoes. While her quote matched others we received, her time estimate was the most reasonable.

The crew was thorough in prepping the area to minimize dust. They were all professional and courteous. Erica checked in daily, seeking feedback on design aspects. There was a slight delay with a closet door, but it was addressed and fixed within a week after the main project was completed.

Though the project took a couple of days longer than expected, such is often the case with renovations. We were delighted with the results and would definitely hire Girl Flip Construction and Erica again!
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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My husband and I wanted to remodel our bathroom, converting the tub to a shower, re-tiling, and adding built-in shelves. We chose Girl Flip Construction after some research. Erica was prompt and responsive from the start. The project began in time, and the team easily addressed any challenges. Having had issues with unreliable contractors before, Girl Flip Construction was a refreshing change. We'll certainly engage them for future projects!
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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We needed a company to renovate our office quickly due to our IP communication operations. Background noise was interrupting our telemarketing team. After speaking to various contractors, Girl Flip Construction stood out from the first meeting. They are experts in acoustics construction and have even worked with big studios!
My partner and I had a wonderful experience working with Erica and the Girl Flip Construction team. They understood our needs, and Erica was instrumental in transforming our vision into reality. She designed and set up custom office furniture and an automated lighting system tailored to us. Plus, the special insulation materials!

The entire process was smooth, punctual, and executed flawlessly. A huge thanks to Erica, Miguel, and the Girl Flip Construction team! Highly recommended. Thanks a bunch.
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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My wife and I reached many different contractors in Los Angeles, some from Yelp, and others from other websites.

Those other “contractors” I contacted were all “licensed general contractors,” but maybe 90% were not really contractors; they just “rented” licenses and used “RMO” from other contractors. And the other companies are just asking for 4X of the value of the work (overpriced+++) and finding some sub-contractors!

But NOT Girl Flip. Girl Flip Construction is a REAL contractor. We chose them because of the incredible customer service. And they were the only contractors who knew what they were talking about!

The other companies arrived at the meeting driving a Tesla and were just “salespeople” without construction knowledge!! Just a walking sales pitch!

The best part is Erica shows knowledge and great communication with her team. I only work with leaders. Girl Flip handled permits, designs, submissions, rendering, and arrchitactial drawings. I trust them so much I asked them to take care of the material selections as well.

Overall very satisfied. Couldn't be happier. Thanks, ladies (and fellas)
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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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I called Erica and asked if she would stop by and estimate a repair project. Erica was professional and clearly explained our options and related pricing details. I was able to quickly choose material options, and she was very patient! Erica's crew is very experienced and well-mannered.

I would highly recommend Girl Flip Construction for any remodeling work.

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Girl Flip Construction
5,00 von 5
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What can I say? This is the most professional team I have seen in Los Angeles. Erica and Miguel double-triple-check every small detail. They wouldn’t hesitate to redo something, so that it will be in THEIR highest standard (even if the client didn't even notice anything).

When you open the dictionary under professional- this is what you get. What a great honor to work with such professionals.

Also, it feels like you work with celebrities, as this company is huge on social media and has also been on TV
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Girl Flip Construction
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