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My name is Tomás Rocha Rinza and I'm taking a German speaking practice
course with Kathrin Hudelmayer. Altogether I am very satisfied with
Kathrin's course due to following reasons:
- She can explain very well the way in which the German language
works. This circumstance allows her to give her students useful
directives to improve in German grammar, pronunciation and most
importantly in the production of the language.
- Kathrin's approach is based on the construction on stories around a
given situation, e.g., Valentine's day, a kid taking a bath in a
chaotic bathroom or a messy gym. It is my opinion that this approach
warrants a better learning of the students in comparison with the
construction of random sentences.
- Kathrin is a very nice person and it is very pleasant to learn with her.
Besides she helps you to fulfill the goals that you are pursuing with
the learning of the German language. Personally, I have learnt
useful tips, vocabulary and handy expressions to speak German with my
All in all, I strongly recommend Kathrin's courses and I look forward
to continuing learning German with her.
Ihre Nachricht an Kathrin Hudelmayer - TPRS German
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Profil aktiv seit 04.03.2021 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 16.03.2023
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