Masters of Service (konkret Sandra Rose) begleitet uns (Unternehmen der System-Gastronomie) bei allen Service- und Servicekultur-Themen mit kluger Analyse, das gemeinsame Erarbeiten passender Strategien und mit super professioneller Durchführung. Durch ihre sehr individuelle Beratung haben wir alte Denkmuster und veraltete Trainingsmethoden abgelegt und durch moderne und ganzheitliche Lösungen ersetzt. Im Sinne unserer Mitarbeiter und Gäste - und mit Erfolg. Das Beste, es fühlt sich nie an wie Dienstleistung, sondern immer wie ein WIR.
Sehr Gut (5,00)
Preis / Leistung
Sehr Gut (5,00)
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Service-Ideen / Konzepte / Umsetzungs-Impulse & Energie
I was desperately unhappy in my job and having real difficulties getting out and therefore also getting a perspective on myself, my expectations, my skills and opportunities. I was stuck. I was in a new country and the market knowledge that I had built up earlier in my career were no longer any use to me.
Sandra helped me on a range of matters around getting myself into a position to be able to effectively search for new opportunities, but the core result was relatively simple, even if it took a lot of effort to get there:
- Who am I (e.g. values)?
- What do I want (motivations)?
Clarity on these is not as simple as you may think, but having it is a gift that just keeps giving. A combination of these also helped me to understand fully what I did NOT want and what I was unwilling to accept. For example, it was clear that a sales job was simply not for me, even if I could have landed one. Also, I rejected a job offer - whilst there were no others on the table - because it was clear to me that I did not want to work for that kind of boss (again). This was a deeply freeing and empowering moment (even if that word is horribly overused today!)
The first job that I found after Sandra's help turned out not to be quite so good as I had hoped, but I did learn a lot from it. Also, what I had gained from working with Sandra made the next job search much less painful and much quicker. From four applications, I received two offers and am now over two years into a job that I really enjoy within a great team.
As a bonus, Sandra was able to do all of this in English. Whilst my German is pretty good. These kind of discussions are best done in your native language.
If you're stuck, unhappy and unsure what you should be doing about it, give Sandra a call!
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