NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne

Asbestos Testing Asbestos Removal and Disposal Decontamination Site Demolition

NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne offers comprehensive asbestos removal, decontamination and disposal services tailored to your situation. Our licenced professionals are available for all types of properties - from garages to eaves, sheds to ceilings and floors – we work efficiently with cutting-edge equipment, so no trace is left behind.


NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
3/336 Russell Street
3000 Melbourne

NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne


Soziale Medien

4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (5,00)
Preis / Leistung
Sehr Gut (5,00)

5 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I recently hired this team to remove asbestos sheeting from my old garage. Lisa, the project manager, was incredibly professional and kept me informed throughout the process. The crew arrived on time and were very respectful of my property, ensuring everything was left tidy after completion. They adhered to all safety protocols, making me feel confident in their work. The quality of service was top-notch, and the price was very reasonable considering the complexity of asbestos removal. It's comforting to know that such a hazardous material has been safely disposed of by experts.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I recently utilized the services of NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne, and I couldn't be more satisfied. The team, headed by Sarah, demonstrated utmost professionalism and proficiency in asbestos removal. The quality of their work was top-notch, and the value for the service provided was unbeatable. They not only removed the asbestos safely but also ensured proper disposal, adhering to all safety regulations. I highly commend their dedication and efficiency in handling such a delicate task. Trustworthy and reliable, they are indeed the go-to for asbestos removal needs.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
5,00 von 5
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Had a challenging asbestos situation in my old shed, but they handled it with ease. The inspector, Rachel, was meticulous in her assessment, and the removal team led by James was exceptional. Their dedication to safety and quality is commendable. Overall, very satisfied with their service and pricing. Would definitely use them again if needed.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Efficient service, Matt came promptly for asbestos inspection. Thorough and professional. Pricing was fair, and the job was completed with attention to detail. Highly recommend for anyone needing asbestos removal.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Outstanding asbestos removal! Jake, the cleaner, tackled our roof asbestos with skill and efficiency. The quality of the work was exceptional, and the value for the service was evident in the results. Our home now feels safer, thanks to their thorough inspection and removal process. Highly commendable service that I would recommend to anyone in need.
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NO1 Asbestos Removal Melbourne
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