SMC – Shyft Management Consulting & Bioshyft Platform

SMC: Management Consulting | Bioshyft: B2B Bioeconomy platform

SMC - Shyft Management Consulting: We provide top-tier consulting results with deep insights via Alternative Food (e.g. Alt Meat, Dairy, Sugar) and Materials (e.g. bio-based plastics, textiles) laser-focus, senior experts & unique database...


SMC – Shyft Management Consulting & Bioshyft Platform
An der Alster 6
Hamburg, California (CA) 20099
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Bioshyft & SMC Group

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Sehr Gut (4,63)
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Sehr Gut (4,95)


5,00 von 5
8 Bewertungen


4,75 von 5
8 Bewertungen


5,00 von 5
7 Bewertungen

22 Bewertungen auf

4,66 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
SMC provided excellent support in helping us explore biotechnology innovations, delivering valuable insights that uncovered new opportunities across various food categories. They conducted a thorough outside-in analysis and presented their findings in an engaging workshop, making complex topics both accessible and actionable. What truly stood out was their deep expertise in biotech and foodtech, paired with solid management consulting skills. They challenged our thinking and inspired us with new ideas that we’re eager to explore further in the coming months. A big thank you to the SMC team for their support! I highly recommend them to anyone seeking to drive innovation and embrace new perspectives in their projects. - Andreea Lang//Business Development Strategic Partnerships, Givaudan Taste and Wellbeing
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SMC - Shyft Management Consulting Survey
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I worked with Gerrit on two strategy consulting projects for a multinational FMCG company and government entity in GCC as senior advisor. Both projects were characterized by global senior management attention, a high intensity / short timeline and ambitious strategic project goals. I was impressed with the strong foodtech / biotech (especially alternative protein industry) knowledge of Gerrit and his team, the fast turnaround time of project deliverables and the ability to work efficiently together with a group of freelancing consultants from different backgrounds. I certainly recommend working with SMC and Bioshyft on bioeconomy-related & sustainability topics.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
SMC - Shyft Management Consulting Survey
25.09.2024Martin F.
4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
Gerrit and his team was great for getting a quick overview of a field of interests. It is harder to understand from their analysis the exact quality of the technology that companies can offer as this depends on the interplay with our own operations and technologies but the overview and deep-dives are very helpful. I would like to thank the team for their valuable contribution to the Unilever plant-based business.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
SMC - Shyft Management Consulting Survey
25.09.2024Klaas-Jan Zuidam - Unilever Senior R&D m.
4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
Another fantastic experience working with Gerrit. Gerrit is able to provide valuable and insightful input for clients while ensuring the team is thriving. Would highly recommend working with Gerrit and I actively seek out opportunities to work with him
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
SMC - Shyft Management Consulting Survey
25.09.2024Owen Ensor - Ex-Bain Freelancing C.
4,80 von 5
Sehr Gut
I had the pleasure of working with Gerrit Feuerriegel as part of his SMC expert team delivering a project for a global FMCG company. The project goal was to develop the 5-year raw material strategy for the global plant-based business unit. Gerrit showed great leadership and management capabilities, strong expertise in the plant-based protein market as well as project management skills on top-tier consulting level. I enjoyed working with him and continue to stay in touch for future projects and to discuss plant-based market trends.”
Robert Spiegel - Consultant for the Food and Food Ingredients Industry
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
SMC - Shyft Management Consulting Survey
24.09.2024Robert H. S.
4,93 von 5
Sehr Gut
As Portfolio Manager for SG Assets, I’m constantly looking for early-stage & high-potential innovations and Bioshyft provides a very relevant overview on new sustainability & biotechnology startups. Found already 11 very relevant startups in the first few days and had calls with the top 3 based on their profile information and pitchdeck. The filter and search functions could be improved in the Essential Package but otherwise very useful platform and absolutely worth the investment.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,67 von 5
Sehr Gut
Bioshyft shows quite some interesting renewable energy startups and innovations but its also interesting to explore other sustainability / bioeconomy sectors. The packages come with a price but the additional content as well as matching feature is worth the money spend on the Essential package. Forwarded quite some relevant innovation profiles within our company
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
15.12.2023Moritz Renken (Siemens G.
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Used the platform to engage with experts for interviews during a project on biomaterials. While searching for innovative start-ups, felt that search though filter (segments you can choose on dropdown menu) leads to less results than using the buzzword search only. Nevertheless, found matching experts - it was very helpful to chat with the freelancer prior to the interview to check if the expert's knowledge is relevant to our project (and interview price reasonable).
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
3,67 von 5
In my opinion, online networking will never substitute fairs. Personal contact creates more strong relationships…looking at Bioshyft as an investment portfolio and some sort of digital innovation management tool or technology marketplace, it can be seen as a more complimenting than substituting offer. Works for that quite good.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,83 von 5
Sehr Gut
Very convincing price-performance ratio. With around 32k companies, the platform has, as far as I know, the world's largest database with a focus on bioeconomy. Interesting for us to promote our own solutions for the farming sector (LED-solutions), to find and compare innovations and suppliers, and to initiate cross-organizational projects. Already on the first day, we found new clients and a potential business partner. Excited to see what comes next!
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
03.12.2023Eulalie Norbert (Senior Strategy Manager at S.
4,77 von 5
Sehr Gut
There is a limited number of experts specialized in the development of innovative biomaterials and food packaging technologies and thus, it can be very challenging to establish cooperations and cross-organizational projects. Bioshyft allows me to easily find and exchange with international business partners. Therefore, I recommend Bioshyft to anyone who is interested in cooperations within the bioeconomy and particularly material science as my focus.
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
01.12.2023Cloridan B.
4,33 von 5
I took me some while to realize that there is a discount for smaller businesses / freelancer! Founder contacted me and helped to book right package. Very friendly contact!
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Crazy how big the database for the bioeconomy sector is. If the start-up manages to gain real momentum, it will probably become the most influential company in the field of ​​sustainability. I'm curious!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,20 von 5
Large platform for small price…filter options not always ideal. Took me some time to figure out that best search outputs are realized when combining filter and buzzword. Indeed, very interesting companies with innovative solutions.
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
01.12.2023Callisto B.
4,50 von 5
Sehr Gut
I was skeptical when I heard it's a young start-up but when I signed for the free trial version, I was impressed by the large data base and appealing design. Gonna upgrade to get access to more information.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,67 von 5
Sehr Gut
I am a self-employed specialist in the field of plant genetics engineering. Bioshyft helps me to get in touch with clients (client acquisition is a very tedious task and is not at all a strength of mine). I heard about the opportunity to get reviews as a proof of my expertise. The Essential Package membership is a little investment, that in my case, already has paid off (after very short time) as I acquired a very interesting long-term project.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
01.12.2023Leonardo R.
4,49 von 5
Using the platform to post our biopesticide offers. Definately generated lead for our products.
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,33 von 5
Clear and relevant information of each company. Gives a good overview with many valuable links.
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Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
Absolute great focus - were looking for a platform with a special focus on sustainable business models and finally found Bioshyft. Covering the bioeconomic sector, there are so many interesting start-ups with the possibility to reshape the producing industries towards more sustainability! Useful platform to discover innovative investment opportunities with big impact.... information offered on platform are up to date, relevant and clear but it takes time to "learn" the search functions.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
01.12.2023Sabrina W.
4,58 von 5
Sehr Gut
Finally, a platform that has understood that the different bioeconomy segments are highly interconnected. A food producing entity will always be also interested in novel packaging materials and sustainable agriculture practices! However, speaking from a founder's point of view, a great platform to find potential investors (incredible long list of investors with the focus on sustainable solutions). Chat function and contact details reducing effort to get in touch and find the perfect sponsor.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Bioshyft Platform Review Survey
01.12.2023Leroy B.
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