I am pleased to inform you that from the beginning of November 2018 trade union members will be able to book rooms at a discounted rate in more than 4,000 hotels worldwide. In order to help members find hotels offering... discounted rates as easy as possible, we will mark these hotels as "Exclusive discounts for trade union members" on www.hotelbookingdirectly.com website.
The benefits available to members are not public, you need to log in to our website for information on them. When registering, members will need to provide their trade union ID.
Trade unions that do not yet have an identifier can request it at the following website:
We kindly ask the unions to help in making their trade union ID available on their website to the members. Members of the world's trade unions spend hundreds of millions of nights in hotels each year, so the discounted room booking option available for them through their trade union membership would be welcomed by many.
We count on your cooperation. Thank you for your help in advance.
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