Daniel Fendt Business Akademie

Real growth in business & personality

Daniel Fendt Business Akademie
4.96 out of 5
477 Reviews
Contact information
Our mission is to help as many self-employed people and entrepreneurs as possible sell better, increase their sales and income, and create the lifestyle they crave.

Result: More sales. Higher income. Better lifestyle.

Contact information

Daniel Fendt Business Akademie
3 Archangelou Michail Str
7577 Mazotos

Contact person
Daniel Fendt

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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
13 Reviews

435 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.97 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Nach meinem Umzug nach München brach meine Kundengewinnung völlig ein. In Berlin hatte ich 20 Jahre lang erfolgreich als Hypnose-Coach gearbeitet, fast ausschließlich durch Weiterempfehlungen. Doch plötzlich wusste ich nicht mehr, wie ich neue Kunden ansprechen sollte. Meine Einnahmen fielen teils auf Null, und ich zweifelte an meinen Verkaufsfähigkeiten.

Im Sales Accelerator Bootcamp zeigte Daniel mir, wie ich meine Blockaden überwinde, Kundenbedürfnisse erkenne und mit klaren Angeboten wieder ins Verkaufen komme.
Seine einfühlsame Art machte es mir leicht, mich auf den Prozess einzulassen.

Schon nach wenigen Tagen konnte ich erste Erfolge feiern: Ich habe alte Kunden reaktiviert, neue gewonnen und verkaufe wieder aus Überzeugung und mit einem sehr guten Gefühl.
Danke Daniel
Customer review & rating for:
Daniel Fendt Business Akademie
12/19/2024Glücksrabe - Peter Christian Rabeneck
5.00 out of 5
Daniel ist einfach der Hammer, wenn es um Verkauf und Businessaufbau geht! Ein absoluter Experte mit unglaublich viel Leidenschaft und einem riesigen Schatz an wertvollen Erfahrungen. Ich habe es deutlich gespürt, wie sehr er es liebt, sein umfassendes Wissen mit uns zu teilen und uns dabei zu helfen, erfolgreicher zu werden.

Ich kenne Daniel jetzt seit einem Jahr und muss wirklich sagen, dass er sich immer wieder selbst übertrifft. Seine Energie, seine Klarheit und seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Inhalte einfach und praktisch zu erklären, sind einfach beeindruckend. Ich bin begeistert von dem, was ich von ihm lernen durfte, und kann ihn jedem empfehlen, der sein Business aufs nächste Level bringen möchte.
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
11/24/2024Tingting Wang
5.00 out of 5
Das Sales Accelerator Bootcamp hat mich in kürzester Zeit viel weiter gebracht, als ich es jemals erwartet hätte. Es ist ein geniales Event, was mich aus meiner Komfortzone ins Wachstum gebracht hat. Ich fühle mich so sicher wie nie zuvor, wenn ich an meine zukünftigen Verkaufsgespräche denke und ich bin einfach nur froh und dankbar, teilgenommen zu haben. Ich kam. Es jedem empfehlen, der sich WIRKLICH weiterentwickeln will!
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
11/24/2024Tina Bredack
5.00 out of 5
Ich war beim Sales Accelerator Bootcamp und es ist unfassbar, wie Daniel an das Thema Verkaufen rangeht. Er hat so geniale Ansätze, die uns sofort zum Umsetzen und Ergebnissen geführt hat. Drei Tage voller Spaß. Ich kann sagen, mein Blickwinkel zum Thema Verkaufen in MEINEM Business hat sich total zum Positiven verändert. Eine neue Leaderin ist geboren. Danke!
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
11/24/2024Jasmin Marszalek
5.00 out of 5
Es war klasse, es ist für jeden der Probleme hat beim Thema Verkaufen, Daniel geht auf alle Fragen individuell ein.
Ein absolutes Pflichtprogramm 👏🏽
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
5.00 out of 5
Einer der Wenigen, die sich in das Denkmuster von Coaches:innen etc. hinein versetzen können.
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
11/24/2024Peter Rabeneck
5.00 out of 5
Mega viel erfahren und gelernt! Daaaaanke!!!!
Für alle, die mehr wollen in ihrem Business!
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
5.00 out of 5
Volle Power, unglaublich wohlwollend und voller Elan und Freude. Volle Empfehlung!!!
Customer review & rating for:
Sales Accelerator Bootcamp
4.80 out of 5
I am very satisfied with the program. I particularly like the really individual support - this has enabled me to achieve relevant success after a short time.
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniel Fendt Business Akademie
5.00 out of 5
I am very grateful to Daniel Fendt and his entire team for this valuable and superbly organized Personality Builder event.

I learned sooo much about how to take my company and my mindset to the next level.
At the same time, I gained great experience in leadership and teamwork through exciting exercises. Thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
10/11/2024TIM HAGEN
5.00 out of 5
Ingenious concept. Daniel has brought together different worlds that have all led to the same result. Growth to the next level! No matter what you have done so far, this deepens everything and you are literally able to implement it - IMMEDIATELY. Eye opener on a level that makes me shudder. NOW is the time - ego aside. Ready for mission.
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
5.00 out of 5
The Business and Personality Builder is a must for anyone who wants to develop their business. 5 days of inspiration, development and growth!
I have never learned so much about myself, never realized so much so quickly. This week definitely has the potential to change your life! I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to seeing the results.
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
10/11/2024Tina Bredack
5.00 out of 5
Exciting exercises to simulate business life.
Practice-oriented, gives concrete solutions for you.
Exponential personal growth.
Like-minded participants, close team circle, networking.
Insights for life as well as for business.
And above all, extremely high energy and endless fun😊
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
10/11/2024Viktor Retter
5.00 out of 5
Fantastic program! Daniel has such brilliant practical exercises that convey content in a way that no theory could. The atmosphere he creates is always supportive. There are no stupid questions with him. We've done challenges that have shown what's possible once we get going. 🤩💪🏼 I got to know lots of great new colleagues. Daniel has the perfect mix of theory and practical lessons. It's never dry and he always explains it in a way that makes it fun. All in all, I can only say that it's fantastic. It covered everything from structures, team leadership, sales, structures, visions and mission! Every entrepreneur and every self-employed person who wants to realize and know what is possible and what they can achieve should definitely attend this program!!! My one hundred percent heartfelt recommendation ❤️
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
10/11/2024Melanie Daub
5.00 out of 5
The seminar was a special experience for me. I learned a lot about myself, worked on my mission+vision, learned a lot of content for my business and met great people.
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
5.00 out of 5
The Business and Personality Booster has strengthened me enormously and I have learned an incredible amount. In this week alone, I've made as much turnover as I usually do in 4 months. On top of that, it was simply a lot of fun and connected me with fantastic people. Thank you! Absolutely recommendable.
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Customer review & rating for:
Business & Personality Builder
5.00 out of 5
During the 4-day power presentation program I learned how to design my offer into an all-encompassing, convincing, 1:1 convertible and adaptable presentation.

Top organization, top team and a top host and speaker Daniel Fendt.
Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Power Presentation Program
07/28/2024TIM HAGEN
4.60 out of 5
The content is very well coordinated. Daniel has an enormous amount of knowledge. You simply learn to present stories with joy and the use of pictures.
A huge thank you to Daniel Fendt
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Customer review & rating for:
Power Presentation Program
07/28/2024Michaela Rogowski
5.00 out of 5
I have learned so much in these 4 days. I have known Daniel for 2 years now and have been through several programs with him. These programs have not only helped me a lot entrepreneurially, but also personally. With Daniel, you definitely leave your comfort zone and get tools that create real systems in your company. Daniel brings you an incredible amount of added value. Daniel is worth the price! I can wholeheartedly recommend Daniel.
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Customer review & rating for:
Power Presentation Program
5.00 out of 5
Daniel triggers. Daniel motivates. Daniel brings you into your energy. Daniel has knowledge. Daniel has the right methods. All in all, a program that every business owner must treat themselves to. 100% recommendation.
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Customer review & rating for:
Power Presentation Program
42 Reviews from
1 other source
4.90 out of 5
4.90 out of 5
42 reviews on Google Maps

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