
I help you to solve the real causes of psychological suffering

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I help you (without psychotropic drugs, without "behavioral" therapies) to solve the real causes of psychological suffering (stress, depression, anxiety) and relationship problems (bullying, partnership, parenting) so that you can lead a happy, fulfilled, rich and loving life that is worth living.

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Vorsterstr. 80
51103 Köln

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Digitale Medien für's Leben UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


Review from 21/02/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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22 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
I opted for coaching at the time because I had been suffering from depression and insomnia for several months. I had already fought my way out of the worst low by the time I started coaching, but I was still struggling with listlessness, numbness and constant inner tension. So I was still a long way from feeling the joy of life. Before I started coaching, I had already been in psychotherapy for 9 months. I also did a lot to calm my system, such as yoga, meditation and exercise in nature. This all did me good, but didn't solve the core issue. After just two weeks of coaching, the numbness dissipated and I was able to feel joy again. A wonderful moment. My sleep also improved very quickly. I felt very well supported by David and his team. With the coaching, they created a space where you can just be and all feelings are welcome. After the third week, I felt free of depression and that has been the case for over a year now. I felt that I had found myself. A lot has also changed in my life since then, I met my wonderful boyfriend during the coaching. Shortly after the coaching, I finally finished my studies and this year I am daring to pursue my heart's desire professionally. Through coaching, I have learned how to deal with emotions properly and how life works. I feel ready for whatever the future holds. If I were to award stars for the coaching, it would definitely be 5 out of 5, because I don't know anything or anyone who can get you out of various crises so quickly and effectively. I heartily recommend the coaching to anyone who feels like life is a struggle, it was worth every penny. I am infinitely grateful to David and his team for helping me back to the joy of life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
I would like to tell you about my beginnings in coaching and the changes I have already made in the first week. My journey is still a long one, but read for yourself.

As far back as I can remember from my childhood, I learned from my parents, relatives and people around me: Adapt. Be kind, be good. What should people think?
That went on throughout my life. I suffered many strokes of fate and my rucksack filled up more and more. I had self-doubt for as long as I could remember and also very bad thoughts about the end of life. I also always learned to have to prove myself, to show that I could do it and achieve things.
My rucksack filled up more and more. Relationships broke up, relatives died, sad things happened, there were rejections, accidents, illnesses.
Of course, there were also good things in between these times, no question. Very nice times. They were there sooner or later. Life was good. But not fulfilling. I was never really satisfied. No matter how many material things and money I had, it didn't make me happy.

I was diagnosed with depression again and again over the years. Medication was only useful for a short time and when I was supposed to be "stable", it was discontinued. Great, it lasted until I had enough bad thoughts again and was diagnosed with depression again.

When the next loss occurred, a family member who was very important to me, I fell into a huge hole. I would have loved to jump out of it.
However, the following thoughts and feelings kept coming back to me: You love your children, you want to see them grow up. I can't and won't leave them alone.

I had to do something. I ran to the doctors, got antidepressants again. The voice inside me didn't want to be pumped full of medication again, but I grasped at straws. It was a cry for help. Psychologists don't have appointments either. I now have the problem and then I don't need a cure in a 6 month wait.

I think it's thanks to AI that I came across David and his team. I had often watched a video about depression on Facebook, TikTok, seen great life advice, etc., and then the ad popped up.
And then David's ad popped up. I was skeptical. Hm, another one of those who thinks he can save the world, but it doesn't help anyway.
In the end, the word "in-depth analysis" triggered me, because that was exactly my problem. So I signed up for a free consultation. It was a very intensive conversation in which so many things became clear to me. I saw the possibility of finally seeing life from a different perspective and being a happier person.

So I signed up. And that was the best investment I could have ever made. No car, no house can give me this content.
I experienced this after just a few days.

I had my first sense of achievement after 5 days. Up to that point, I had had a live coaching session and watched several videos.

This sense of achievement was reflected in my perception of myself, nature and people. It was an ordinary path that I walked, but I perceived it completely differently. My mood was positive, I felt every step, tried to feel myself, to be in the here and now. It actually worked.
Apparently this positive vibe also made me much more positive when I met people. I even went for a walk afterwards, which I never used to do. Until now, my motto was: get something done quickly, then get back home to your shell.

After day 7, so after a week, I'm already doing my homework, I see the demon in me, I observe it, which doesn't always work so well. I start to look into the subject of self-love and meditation. I used to think it was nonsense. Nonsense.

The great thing is that I'm suddenly becoming active again. Yesterday I painted the wall, which I'd been refusing to do for ages - I didn't feel like it, didn't see the point, etc.
After all, I didn't feel like doing anything until a week ago. I did "chores" because they were expected of me. The emptiness inside me was my companion.

I'm so looking forward to this journey continuing. It's so awesome.
David is likeable, very authentic, absolutely present. Just like my impression in the first videos before I signed up. That has been absolutely confirmed. Not a wannabe guru, like you see so many of them on the internet and in real life.
An absolute person of the heart.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
4.75 out of 5
Thank you David!!!
Since November 2022, more than 1 year, I have been an enthusiastic participant in your coaching program Life 2.0. - yes, that's exactly what you can call it from my current perspective.

It all started very differently...

What would I call the book? How I came out of my black crystal ball...

I was trapped in my dark sphere, saw only the negative things in my life and no longer looked out of it. And life had stopped being fun a long time ago. Laughing with family or friends -- no way! I was now "trained" to only see everything bad and my "zero buck" mood was my companion 24 hours a day.

The worst thing was: I didn't know WHY!???? My head was really searching for reasons and couldn't find any. Was it the hormones? I don't know. Family, work, friends...everything was ok so far...I didn't have a plan anymore. Or was THAT exactly the problem? I was always in action - I had plans and was happy, even if it sometimes took several attempts - I managed everything.

And now? -New goals, tasks, life changes or just being satisfied with what IS? No idea and even worse-no energy. Where has it gone? How did I manage it before? Now it's just work, housework, sorting out the bare essentials and "sleeping" as it goes with the carousel of thoughts. And all this without any desire, energy, let alone 'joy'.

A big step, after I was already dizzy from thinking, was my decision to get help. Briefly motivated - the realization that I couldn't do it ALONE! And I didn't want to burden my family and friends - especially because I couldn't describe it. I'd just been in a bad mood for 2 years.
Psycho-counseling - 2 years waiting time. Then I didn't...and my mood got even worse.

2nd attempt - GP - many sick notes, as my body was now also rebelling in various places due to my broken soul, which I hadn't known before. I blamed it on the menopause and continued to suffer. At least it was noted in my medical records that something was wrong. But all the visits to the doctor just annoyed me - I felt like a malingerer and didn't feel like going through any more medical "exclusion procedures" either. Now was the moment when I thought, if you continue to be so shitty, you'll scare away your loved ones, who I can't ask to be patient with me any longer (more than a year).

Inside me it was just screaming for "help"!What's wrong with me????

I always have an old song by Purple Schulz in my ear "I want to get out....-far away!!!"

So next attempt - rehab application. Yes, 6 weeks of psycho-rehab is quite pleasant, but only minimally helpful for my psychological problems. Distracted by sport and nice acquaintances, it was a good feeling at times. However, the psychological appointments dragged me down even further and only confirmed my thoughts that something was wrong.
So I came to the realization: rehab certainly doesn't help me.

After rehab, I decided to draw a line! No more brooding, searching for the why and simply not following the pull.

It lasted maybe 3 weeks, then it started again. Who can help me now?

By chance, David on the Internet...

I simply asked for an appointment. The first phone call was already very informative. I had nothing to lose, so I signed up. I literally inhaled the videos on the welcome page.
Wow, what a realization...

Life can be soooo easy if you just let it be.

Dear David,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your advice, because you analyze the so-called "problems " with such ease and simply straighten, shorten and finally dissolve the spirals of thought.

The dark ball I was trapped in became lighter and lighter from coaching to coaching and is now crystal clear and there are already days when I can be outside the ball. I'm not perfect at it yet, but I think it just needs to be practiced - it's getting better every day.

Nobody can annoy me anymore (not even the weather:-)). My consciousness is coming to the surface more and more often and Bullshit-fm is getting quieter and quieter!

And I'm sure that I'll understand and achieve life 2.0 better and better.
Thank you David for being there.

Society should rethink life 2.0 and the more people go through life with ease, the healthier, happier and more peaceful life will be for EVERYONE!
To summarize:
First of all, my motivation and self-esteem have increased enormously and finally someone has helped me or given me the impetus to think differently and simply change my "point of view".
My life itself has become "easier" because I give many everyday situations " no or green post-its" and no longer pursue my "want/want/need thoughts".

It's not that difficult because David and the team and participants are always there for you. Just write - you'll get an answer straight away.

I allow myself to make mistakes.
I don't have to be perfect.
Not every situation requires a reaction from me.
I feel prepared for upcoming "difficulties"- which are none-hi hi-. I am good the way I am right now!

Changing jobs including a pay rise after just 1/2 a year also worked out just like that.
My colleagues have noticed that I'm much more relaxed about my tasks, no longer stress myself out and I can still see something positive in every asshole colleague...:-))

4.9 out of 5 stars for David and the team.
The structure of the online pages could be clearer.
I would like to see new wording in the coaching sessions.

The coaching is well suited for people who "are trapped in the hamster wheel", want change, want to feel better, want to give their lives meaning, want to stop the thought carousel...

If you are hesitant-no money is better invested than in yourself. You will be thrilled!
Best regards
Ela from Berlin
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
The reason I signed up for couching was because I was always very anxious, very depressed and always wanted attention from the outside and didn't trust myself very much.

At first I was also hesitant to sign up but then I had the courage and it was worth it I have a whole new life

I was in a very bad way for 13 years and didn't dare to do anything and today everything is different: I have more courage and I laugh a lot

Before I had a lot of therapy and hospital stays and took antidepressants

After the first few weeks I made a lot of progress and had less anxiety and was more confident.

My family and friends have asked me several times what I'm doing at the moment because I can walk again with much more courage and self-awareness and with a huge grin on my face

I no longer smoke and am completely off the antidepressants, only very few triggers, but very quickly back in the here and now because I know what to do.

Since then I can have a better and happier relationship with my partner without triggers, which was not possible before.

I can also do my job again in a more concentrated way 100% without arguments and without violence as it was before and with my help customers are put at peace. It works much better with the outside world like with family because I don't let it trigger me anymore because it's their problem and not mine

Thanks to David and his team I have a new life. I am mostly happy 24/7 and with a grin on my face and play soccer again, everything perfect after perfect. I would not have achieved all this without this couching

I can only recommend you to anyone who is hesitating to sign up, I have a new life where I am happy 24/7 and you can do it too, have the courage to sign up and only then can you be helped and achieve everything I have done.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
06/11/2023Sabine S.
4.50 out of 5
I have been coaching since September 2022 and I thank you, David, from the bottom of my heart for convincing me back then😘
Of course, I also thank myself for finding you in the first place.
I had depression for the first time when I was 17, and then in August 2021 I had a burnout...followed by several sessions with a psychotherapist...I felt better...then in March 2022 I got a new job...during the season I realized that the whole thing was repeating itself....I looked for help and came to coaching....wat'n luck🍀😉...now I could slowly relax....come to rest and before allem☝️ich started to see and love myself💜...in some release I think I realized for the first time what an intelligent heart I have and it communicates with me....I was so moved by it that I still have moist eyes as I write this and I have learned here to simply be more in the here and now and not to drive myself crazy with thoughts about situations that haven't even happened yet🙂 With the methods I learned in coaching, I now have help for self-help if something should happen again😉 Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Marco, David and Özge.... and to everyone I was allowed to meet here and also to those who were my ass angels😁
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
13/10/2023Sonja L.
DavidKirschey.De Comment from DavidKirschey.De:
Hello Sonja,

Thank you very much for your detailed feedback, which will certainly motivate many more sufferers to overcome their suffering and start a new life like you.

You only scored 4 out of 5 stars for customer service. I would like to take this as an opportunity to ask what we could improve in terms of customer service (and how). What would that be?
5.00 out of 5
Thank you. Yes, I don't care about my diagnoses (dysthymia, borderline, depression), no matter what they say, what I can or can't do. Even the report that certifies that I can't learn anything new, it doesn't stop me, even if everything is harder. I've fought so hard over the last few years and achieved so little. Now it's time to finally move more. And I hope my body is still up for it ///Boah, I'm still flushed from coaching. Sorry I couldn't imagine that really negative feelings could disappear. For me, anger is really the most disgusting feeling that can completely kill me inside if I don't eat it down. I still have a lot of other negative feelings but, oh wonder of wonders, I've already got a few positive feelings back. What can happen when you make just one decision.../// Yeah. 2 successes last night. First, I solved the technical problem with the time-lapse by accident. I just had to press full screen and it was there. Embarrassing but never mind. And the second, I was able to watch the coaching with me without pushing it away. Normally I can't look at pictures or recordings because it really disgusts me. But this time it was only there briefly at the beginning and this, that's not me, get rid of it. I was able to stand looking at it all the way through and didn't put myself down the whole time. It's a great success for me, because I've never allowed myself to be photographed so that I don't have to see myself. I've fought so hard over the last few years and achieved so little. Now it's time to finally move more. And I hope my body will still cooperate.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
I opted for coaching back then because I was a very unbalanced person. Plagued by pressure, stress, unhealthy emotional relationships (including with myself) and always feeling unwell. I constantly had feelings and thoughts that I couldn't explain. After seeing David a few times, I felt much better. The tension, stress and discomfort had simply disappeared. It makes you wonder what therapists do all day. My self-esteem increases every day as a result of the practices. Which also has a very good effect on women. I would definitely give David 5 stars. David is a very empathetic and sensitive coach who psychologists and therapists can clearly take a leaf out of their book. David will be able to deal with all your problems and will definitely help you😊
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
I signed up for coaching back then because I had severe depression and had to take antidepressants as a last resort in order to function at all and get through my exam phase to some extent. I was also very afraid of the side effects, but I even put up with them out of desperation.
I had been suffering from it for several years, especially from anxiety, despair and, in the worst phase, apathy. I no longer saw any meaning in life.
I tried for a long time to get a place in therapy, but as everyone knows, it's quite difficult.
When I started coaching, I felt better after just one release from David. I couldn't believe at that moment that this "bad" anxiety I've been carrying around for years was just gone and I finally saw it as my good friend. I will never forget that 😃!
Since taking part in coaching, my thoughts and feelings have changed. I see the world with different eyes, suddenly it's beautiful and everything makes sense again 😁I get up in the morning full of energy and can hardly wait for the day to start so that I can LIVE. I am more mindful and listen to my feelings more. I've learned to allow them and then let them go.
I have learned that I am just as good as I am. I feel free and the whole world is open to me.
I am soooo grateful to David and his team!
I can only recommend it to others! I wish that everyone could experience this freedom. I know that many people are skeptical at first and can't imagine that life can be beautiful again and that coaching can really make a difference, but as the saying goes: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity! ☺️
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
Since working with David, I am now able to regulate my emotions much better myself.
He simply creates awareness of emotions, thoughts and behavior.

He also works through old wounds from the past that you subconsciously carry around with you.

Through his methods and targeted questions, he always manages to bring the pain to the surface so that you can let it go afterwards.

David rubs off on people and is able to completely change their way of thinking, emotions and attitudes to life in a positive way.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
The reason why I decided to go for coaching was the recommendation of another coach (David Newman) with whom I am being coached. He mentally recommended that I also work with David Kirschey as he is my age and I would fit in well with him.

I am 50 years old and have also been undergoing neurological treatment since 2008 and psychological treatment for depression since 2019.

I had previously undergone coaching with Casanova Coaching to improve my flirting skills. However, this coaching was a total failure as it was purely an online product. Mass processing without personal help, so to speak. But that's completely different here:

In this coaching I get a lot of loving support from David and his team. I was soon able to gradually stop taking my medication for depression - with complete success to this day. I also soon had my first success in flirting with the opposite sex. In between, I had a relapse, which I just remember, where David helped me personally, thank you again for that.

Thanks to the coaching, I'm no longer as ignorant as I was before if I'm not feeling well: thanks to the techniques I've been taught, I'm no longer helplessly at the mercy of my feelings, but know how to help myself.

My everyday life has improved significantly as a result of the coaching, as I am now much happier. I no longer suffer from depression, the issue is 100% closed for me.

The coaching has improved my self-esteem considerably. Several friends have told me that I "ve made a 200% improvement".

I give the coaching 5 stars, especially for the quick help and availability of the coaches. The commitment and motivation of the team is also exceptional. A big thank you for that.

I can recommend the coaching with a really clear conscience, and have already done so successfully among my circle of friends.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
23/07/2023Rainer H.
5.00 out of 5
I am Andrea, 66 years old. I have been working on myself and my problems for almost my entire life. Severe anxiety, sadness, mental pain, depression. But none of the many therapies and self-experiments were able to resolve the early childhood traumas. I functioned well in everyday life, but I couldn't feel happiness, joy or love in the last few years. And then I got to know David and his program through another coach and despite initial doubts, my heart said YES. Thanks to the live coaching and David's totally helpful videos, the constant pain in my chest was gone after a short time and I was soon able to feel self-love and gratuitous love and joy! What's more, during this process I also achieved a huge acceleration in my path of awakening. I can be relaxed in the here and now more and more often in my everyday life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
Throughout my life so far, I have had depressive and low-energy phases from time to time, sometimes with a reason (job loss), sometimes simply due to repressed feelings or old childhood and adolescent traumas. After just a few coaching sessions, everything clicked for me and my thinking and behavior improved significantly, and I am able to be happier in the here and now every day - even without a reason, just like that. My social environment has also noticed this and the conflicts in the family are no longer constantly smoldering, but I "release" them very quickly, and if someone starts bitching again, I just let it go. Relationships with friends and relatives have become even better since I realized that I decide how I feel and react.
So - PARADISE IS HERE AND NOW! I only had to turn 69 to meet David and I am very grateful for that!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
27/04/2023Christine L.
5.00 out of 5
David immediately recognizes intuitively where his counterpart stands and what he radiates, he responds sensitively and purposefully ein☺️.
David himself recognizes negative self-attribution, anxiety and depression. This sets him apart from therapists. They sit in front of you: successful, married, in good relationships, and you sit in front of them like a poor sausage 😂 That's what makes the difference 😍
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Customer review & rating for:
Psychologie- Live- Show
5.00 out of 5
I am amazed at how easy it is to work on yourself and with yourself.
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Customer review & rating for:
Psychologie- Live- Show
5.00 out of 5
My impression is that you are getting to the root of the problem and that is what it needs. Thank you for your work.
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Customer review & rating for:
Psychologie- Live- Show
29/11/2022Carina E.
5.00 out of 5
The reason I signed up for coaching was a recommendation from a friend. He described to me all the positive effects of the coaching. He told me that it had improved his career, his love life and his relationship in general, especially with his parents.
As I had known him long enough and knew about my strengths, I thought to myself: "If I do this coaching and it has helped my friend so much, what would it do to me? Leading a life without boundaries, doing or not doing what you want. The answer was, then I would be like "God". I know how abstract it may sound to equate myself with God, but these were my thoughts.

Just imagine what it would be like to live your life, or more precisely, to be there as a human being in the way you want. For me, this meant boundlessness, free from all chains, a flight into the infinity of peace and joy.

The coaching not only changed the things in my life that I initially wanted to change. Dealing with stress at work, problems when approaching women in public, coming to terms with my relationship with my own parents.
But it did much more: over time, new "red flags" (little problems) kept popping up - ones that I've been carrying around with me since childhood, and quite unconsciously at that. In fact, the unconscious influences us so much that we sabotage ourselves and literally make our lives hell on earth.
I was able to delve deeper and deeper into the matter, in this case into myself, and resolve the red flags one by one. These included self-love, presentation anxiety, self-esteem and much more.

The team has developed very well, there is a telegram group where support is available almost 24/7. In addition to the 2-3 live sessions, there is also a lot of video material on David's homepage - plus numerous explanatory videos and recorded live sessions from the last few months.

I would recommend the coaching to my friends and family, as my friend did to me. It is definitely worth the money, the coaching has turned my life and my view of things around 180 degrees. Even though I was very skeptical about David in the beginning, it always felt like the right decision for me. Today, David also offers in-depth analysis and live streaming shows on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook etc. for skeptics like me. So there's definitely a lot on offer here in terms of information!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
5.00 out of 5
I signed up for a free coaching session during the live show, but unfortunately I didn't get one. Nevertheless, David took the time after the show to talk to me personally, even without a camera. We arranged a call via What's Up for the next day and David called me punctually at the agreed time. He took the time to open my eyes in just under an hour and solved the problem I had quite simply and immediately. I am so happy, relieved and infinitely grateful that I can now finally look forward to a fantastic future. Thank you for that David, I love you...
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Customer review & rating for:
Psychologie- Live- Show
5.00 out of 5
David is a nice, sympathetic, emphatic and competent person, that was predestined, the universe wanted me to meet him and his nice team.
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Customer review & rating for:
Psychologie- Live- Show
5.00 out of 5
Just in town

Evaluation David Kirschey Coaching
Let's go to a new paradise 2.0
I started coaching because I had low self-esteem bad mood
Relationship problems
Was not present Relaxed
Always changed jobs every 2 monthsw Unemployed a lot
Lack of motivation Sometimes didn't go to work just like that etc.
Yes then with David in coaching and already in the first week with the homework and exercises DEutlich better
Zoom meetings he never takes his time and doesn't stop until the person and his problem blockade is solved.
We had Zoom coaching that went from 20:00 to 24:00 because you realize that's his thing and he burns for it.
Situation now Have a job where 500€ more have good relationship yes happy
and know if nevertheless times appearance which annoys me and Triggert how I deal with it
David gets 5 out of 5 stars and can recommend this coaching to anyone who wants to change something in their life and wants to be happier and lead a great life.
Thank you David and his team
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
29/10/2022kristian k.
5.00 out of 5
I decided to go for coaching because my pain was getting too much and I wanted a change.
I was often preoccupied with thoughts and a limiting voice.
Restless and insecure at work and at home.

The coaching showed me a way out of my own prison.
Gave me confidence in life and a life in abundance.
Changed me internally and externally.

David and his team always supported me quickly and effectively so that I was never alone.
Whether it was a short message or a call, it was an all-round guided path with valuable support.

I would recommend coaching to anyone who wants to change their life for the better.
Anyone who wants to know how to deal with their thoughts and feelings.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching: Auf geht's in ein neues Leben 2.0 - Ein Leben wie im Paradies
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