Stephanie Schuster

Being agile | Train your Mind

Turn knowledge into competence.
Mindset is often neglected so the transformation gets stuck.
This is like trying to run Mac OS Catalina 10.15 on a Macintosh 128k. :-)


Stephanie Schuster
Being agile | Train your Mind

8038 Zürich

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100% Empfehlungen
4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
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1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (4,88)
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Sehr Gut (4,94)


5,00 von 5
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5,00 von 5
6 Bewertungen


5,00 von 5
6 Bewertungen

20 Bewertungen auf

4,90 von 5
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4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
Stephy brings the content in an easy to understand manner so that everyone can take away a couple of points per Masterclass session.
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5,00 von 5
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It was a very important and fascinating experience followingh the Masterclass done by Stephanie. It was clear, motivating and complete.
Arnol Espitaleta Sierra
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Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
My pleasure and thank you very much 🙏😊
4,73 von 5
Sehr Gut
Stephanie is a great motivator! Stephanie's coaching sessions allow her students to take stock of their careers to date and to pivot themselves in order to achieve greater outcomes. I would highly recommend Stephanie greatly as a personal career coach!
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4,71 von 5
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Personal, down to earth and open communication and very supportive.
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Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you 🙏
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
It was an incredible experience joining Stephanie´s Masterclass "Being Agile-Living Agile"!
She is amazing and her approach makes you feel so comfortable and interested in the topic.
I like how she delivers, engages her audience and have them all participate. The format is also super easy to follow, grasp and retain.
Special thanks to Nic for her support and following up to make sure we are on track and if we need anything.
Thank you Stephanie for sharing and adding value to our learning journey!
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12.11.2021Sylvia de H.
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you 🙏 Sylvia. Great that you joined ☀️
4,95 von 5
Sehr Gut
Stephanie has a very good knowledge about all the subjects around the mindset and she is a very good teacher which gives her great coaching and mentoring skills.
I had the chance to attend two workshops animated by her and had a couple of individual coaching calls with her. It was amazing, and very inspirational…
She can easily help us to find the right questions to ask ourselves for setting goals and achieving them. I enjoyed these sessions with her !!
She also have great methods for motivating.
I absolutely recommend her as a mentor at 100% !!
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Stephanie Schuster
26.01.2021Saliha B.
4,60 von 5
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Something was breeding into my mind. It was a big hairy and audacious goal. It didn't feel comfortable, because I felt that until now I didn't create big, hairy things, even if I have many years of career behind me. So I thought: something must be done. Then I got in contact with Stephanie Schuster, I don't remember well, it must have been Linked In. Discretely she explained what she is doing and I thought: this is something I need.
Now, I am about 7 months further and the coaching of Stephanie has a sure impact. Even if it didn't unfold yet in its full dimension, because after such long years of struggle I can't expect results "subito". But the coaching process by Stephanie, which is based on a long experience of Bob Proctor, put me on the way to success and I feel that the rusty engine is clear now and running smoothly. I have positive expectations about where I will be in a few years. Isn't that a wonderful result?

Thanks, Stephanie and all the other peers in the group!
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Stephanie Schuster
26.11.2020Norbert N. V.
5,00 von 5
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I've worked with Stephy for nearly 6 months at this point and I've had an overwhelmingly positive experience with her. She's not only become my coach, but also my mentor. What I really appreciate is her level of detail and the fact that she makes notes during our sessions. It really helps to just pick up and jump right into it every time we speak.

I requested from Stephy that we change the format in which our sessions take place and she was completely open and ready to work with me in a way that I feel comfortable with. Her honesty with me about her background and experiences is also a reason why she and I clicked from the beginning. I value her coaching very much and it's brought a lot of positive changes to my life in such a short time. I've reached some new heights in my own business, I just needed that push and positive reinforcement, which Stephy coached me through.

Would I recommend her? Absolutely! I've done it already to several people. Invest in your personal development - it will give back to you tenfold.
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Stephanie Schuster
19.11.2020Kirtanya von M.
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you so much Kirtanya :-) It is a pleasure any my honour to accompany to your development.
5,00 von 5
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Endlessly positive and optimistic, knowledgeable, and practical. I believe everyone in their life needs a mentor/coach at some point and I was lucky to meet Stephy. She takes time to completely understand your situation and asks purposeful questions to find out where you stand and what you want to get out of coaching with her. She had a great knack of gently drawing out of me where the issues were. Stephanie has the ability to get you out of the lost zone and get you laser-focused and back on track. Giving inspiration a plan of action whilst opening your mind to what is there for you to achieve. She is particularly good at steering you in the right direction and her confidence and enthusiasm inspire you to keep on trying. Plus, she has a great sense of humor and a sense of fun (extremely important). It was a really enjoyable, action-packed, valuable session. I can only highly recommend her to anyone!
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Stephanie Schuster
31.08.2020Natalia J.
5,00 von 5
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I had the privilege to speak to Stephanie on a couple of coaching calls and based on those I can safely say that she has great coaching skills, she is knowledgable and provides excellent lifechanging value for money. I recommend her 100%.
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Stephanie Schuster
28.05.2020Andrea J.
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you so much Andrea 🙏🙏 I really appreciate.
4,71 von 5
Sehr Gut
Great content, strong and impressive trainer. It was a pleasure, to visit this class, I would book it again. I didn’t rated all with “5”, because there should be always room for improvement ;)
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Stephanie Schuster
5,00 von 5
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That was the one of the nice and inspirational Masterclass that I ever had. I really like the topic and the way how to get it. And first of all, it was challenging to get to know my goals and to have a motivation work on it and achieve it.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Stephanie Schuster
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you Nora 💖🙏 My pleasure 😇
5,00 von 5
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Stephanie is a talented motivator, askes critical and important questions for developing or intensifying a growth mindset. Her methods are clear and straightforward - exactly how I like it. It is a pleasure working with her.
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Stephanie Schuster
15.05.2020Jessica K.
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you Jessica 🙏🙏🙏🌟👍 wow I feel so blessed and encouraged. 🤩🌟
4,80 von 5
Sehr Gut
Extremely helpful - she's a thought leader and her coachings are eye opening! Looking forward to continuing my journey with her and would recommend her anytime!
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Stephanie Schuster
5,00 von 5
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Stephany hat eine sehr besondere Gabe auf die Menschen einzugehen. Ihre Art der Informationsübermittlung ist so einfach, fundamental und greifbar, dass das coaching mit ihr sehr effektiv ist.
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Stephanie Schuster
14.05.2020Walter Urs S.
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Danke Dir Walter für das tolle Feedback 🙏🌟 Ich fühle mich geehrt und bestärkt. 💫💪🤩
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Stephanie is a great mindset trainer & coach for any organisation, group or individual.
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Stephanie Schuster
5,00 von 5
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Kompetente und erfrischende Art. 100% Empfehlung.
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Stephanie Schuster
5,00 von 5
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Auch ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es ohne eine Veränderung der Denkweisen in den Köpfen der Mitarbeiter und dem Willen von allen Beteiligten dazu, Veränderungen anzunehmen, nicht geht. Da dies nicht automatisch geschieht, ist eine Unterstützung empfehlenswert.
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Stephanie Schuster
12.11.2019FreeWay Coaching und C.
5,00 von 5
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Es ist immer wieder eine Freude und pure Bereicherung mit Stephy zu arbeiten. Ihre positive Herangehensweise, gute Stimmung und einzigartige Inspiration zeichnen Sie besonders aus. Mindset training at its best!
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Stephanie Schuster
06.11.2019Ute-Nicola D.
5,00 von 5
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Stephanie Schuster
Stephanie Schuster Kommentar von Stephanie Schuster:
Thank you :-)
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