Carolin Arndt Nutrition

Nutrition I Advice I Implementation

Carolin Arndt Nutrition
4.95 out of 5
158 Reviews
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With the NUTRI.NØRD method, I help busy people to stop wasting time in the nutritional jungle and finally reach their feel-good weight with more power.

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Carolin Arndt Nutrition
22085 Hamburg

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Carolin Arndt

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4.92 out of 5
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4.81 out of 5
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4.96 out of 5
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158 Reviews on

4.95 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Caros Beratung & Betreuung ist zu 100% auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Sie steht jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und bietet neben dem sowieso schon sehr umfassenden Programm zu speziellen Themen zusätzliche Beratung an. Je nach Thema und Schwerpunkt ist für jede/n was dabei. Caros super herzliche Art, ihr Fachwissen und ihre Leidenschaft fürs Ernährung und gesunde Lebensweise haben die zwei Monate zu einem besonderen Erlebnis gemacht. Ich profitiere noch heute von den vielen Tipps. Ich fühlte mich sehr, sehr gut betreut und in den besten Händen. Danke, liebe Caro, für deine großartige Begleitung!
Customer review & rating for:
Individuelle Ernährungsberatung im 1:1
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Ich freue mich so sehr für dich, liebe Romy! Und für all deine Erfolge im Rahmen unserer Zusammenarbeit, das ist einfach großartig. Du kannst sehr stolz darauf sein, wie du die einzelnen Schritte trotz stressigem Alltag, alten Gewohnheiten und anstehender Weihnachtszeit gemeistert hast und mit welcher Energie und Freude du ins nächste Jahr blickst. Du machst alles richtig und gibst deinem Körper die Zeit, die für jede Veränderung gebraucht wird. So sicherst du dir deine nachhaltigen und langfristigen Erfolge! Ich danke dir für das wundervolle Feedback!!
5.00 out of 5
Danke Carolin, dass du mich zu einem viel (ernährungs) bewussten Menschen gemacht hast. Die Erkenntnis wie viel Energie ich aus mir selber schöpfen kann, mit deiner Empfehlung der richtigen Lebensmittel, beeindruckt mich. Danke vorallem für die alltagstauglichen Tipps.
Customer review & rating for:
Individuelle Ernährungsberatung im 1:1
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Du hast bereits einen sehr beeindruckenden Weg hinter dich gebracht, lieber Sören und ich freue mich dich dabei unterstützen und begleiten zu dürfen! Ganz herzlichen Dank für deine lieben Worte und das ausgezeichnete Feedback. Ich bin gespannt auf alle weiteren Erfolge und Erkenntnisse, die auf dich warten:)
5.00 out of 5
Ich gehe nicht nur viel bewusster mit meiner Ernährung um, sondern empfinde insbesondere die Vielfalt an energiegewinnenden Lebensmitteln eine großartige Bereicherung. Carolin hat sehr individuell beraten und ich bin ihr sehr dankbar für meinen Erfolg.
Customer review & rating for:
Individuelle Ernährungsberatung im 1:1
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Ich freue mich sehr für dich und danke dir von Herzen für das schöne Feedback! Deine Erfolge sind unglaublich toll und ich wünsche dir weiterhin ganz viel Freude und Kraft auf deinem Weg!
5.00 out of 5
After my first challenge with Caro I was so enthusiastic and wanted to know exactly what the best mix is for my nutrient household. Caro takes you by the hand again so comprehensively and thanks to the analyses and discussions I feel really well positioned.I have also discovered many new food combinations and the change is good for me! It's not about doing without, but understanding.I can recommend Caro without reservation 👏🫶
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Customer review & rating for:
Individuelle Ernährungsberatung im 1:1
5.00 out of 5
Already my second challenge with Caro and again I have received an all-round carefree package with lots of information, tips and recipes.Caro's tips are easy to integrate into everyday life, that the changeover is very easy.And it feels at any time without pressure.I had many aha effects and understanding the connections makes a big difference, because you understand why you should take which tip to heart.Thank you Caro 🫶.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
5.00 out of 5
Over the last few months, I've been increasingly concerned with the topic of nutrition and came across CarolinNutrition during my research. Not only the professional internet presence, but also the know-how conveyed in the sugar challenge really convinced me. So that I am now consulting Carolin for specific advice on my diet. Many thanks for that so far! Really very pleasant! BG
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
I am delighted with the trust you have placed in me and the great feedback. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The joint implementation has already started and I look forward to working with you and your successes!
5.00 out of 5
Ich hab noch nie so einen guten und hilfreichen Onlinekurs gemacht. Endlich habe ich meinen Körper besser verstanden und so viele Tipps bekommen, die sich in meinem Alltag sehr einfach umsetzen lassen. Caro ist wirklich sehr sympathisch, geduldig und überaus professionell in ihrer Art. Die Gruppe hat mir großen Spaß gemacht:)
Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Wie wundervoll das ist - ich danke dir von Herzen und freue mich sehr für dich! Mir hat es auch wieder großen Spaß gemacht. Liebste Grüße und bis bald
5.00 out of 5
Die beste Entscheidung in diesem Jahr! DANKE liebe Caro!!
Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Wow, vielen lieben Dank DIR! Schön, dass du dabei warst und ganz liebe Grüße!
5.00 out of 5
I took part in the less sugar challenge and it was really great and practical 😊
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Vielen lieben Dank dafür und schön, dass du dabei warst!:)
4.80 out of 5
Caro is a really great woman, very emphatic and appreciative of the individual. She has lots of valuable tips and tricks that you can easily integrate into your everyday life.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you for your appreciative words and your great feedback, dear Bianca! It's great that you were there and that you took so much away for yourself and your everyday life :)
5.00 out of 5
Dank Carolin habe ich viele neue Ideen und Impulse gewonnen! Absolut empfehlenswert ,Carolin motiviert und steht mit Rat und Tat wenn man Hilfe braucht !!, Bin sehr dankbar das ich die Zucker Challenge mitgemacht habe!Danke Carolin für deine Mühe und Geduld.
Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
11/20/2024Barbara Bornholdt
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Ich danke DIR, liebe Barbara! Für deine schönen Worte, dein Vertrauen und dein wundervolles Feedback:) Schön, dass du dabei gewesen bist und weiterhin ganz viel Spaß und Erfolg bei der Umsetzung im Alltag!
5.00 out of 5
I would like to thank you for the great support with a lot of understanding and knowledge during the challenge. I was able to raise every little question/concern, everything was always taken seriously and answered promptly.
At last I really understood what sugar does to my body and with the many tips and help I can make good adjustments to my diet.
I'm having a rethink and I'll definitely keep at it for my health after the challenge!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
11/18/2024Christel Vollstedt
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
I am so proud of you, Christel! Congratulations on your wonderful successes and thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I'm so pleased to hear what you've been able to achieve for yourself. Keep up the good work!
5.00 out of 5
I am totally impressed by Carolin's extensive experience. Can recommend it to everyone!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
I am so happy and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great feedback!
5.00 out of 5
Caro is an absolute expert in nutrition and manages to convey her knowledge in such a way that you can start immediately. It's great fun to listen to and apply what you've learned. I can only recommend it to anyone who needs new input that they can then put into practice.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you so much for your lovely words and your excellent feedback! I am really happy that the challenge has given you this strong added value and that you can take so much with you for yourself and your everyday life. So so so great!!!
5.00 out of 5
Caro has a wide range of specialist knowledge, which she conveys in a clear and easy-to-understand way. I can absolutely recommend her if you want to take a closer look at nutrition. With the knowledge of the connections and what it does to the body, a healthy and balanced diet is much easier and even fun to implement. An absolute added value. Thank you, Caro!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Wow, that is so wonderful and I am so happy for you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your touching feedback and I wish you continued joy and success in putting what you have learned into practice. Glad you could join us and see you soon :)
5.00 out of 5
I am so enthusiastic about Caro and the challenge, I have learned so much and received incredibly great and simple tips for my everyday life. Thank you for this wonderful experience. I am taking so much with me!
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Q4 2024
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you so much for your excellent feedback and so glad you were able to attend and take away so much useful information for yourself! We wish you continued success and fun.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Caro, thank you very much for the great and professional collaboration! I really appreciate the many little tips and tricks that are particularly easy to implement in everyday life. Nutritional advice without prohibitions, very individual and motivating! Thank you very much and I'm happy to stay on the ball!
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Customer review & rating for:
Individuelle Ernährungsberatung im 1:1
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful feedback and I am very happy about your success in our collaboration! You can be so proud of yourself and I'm already looking forward to seeing how confident and strong you continue on your path! I wish you continued joy and fun with your diet, dear Anne :)
5.00 out of 5
Carolin has given me a lot of tips and new impulses regarding nutrition...always with a lot of heart and understanding, always motivated me...I am grateful for the cooperation. I have learned a lot and am looking forward to my journey towards a healthy diet.
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Customer review & rating for:
Persönliche Ernährungsberatung
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind words and the wonderful collaboration, dear Barbara! You have already achieved so much and can be extremely proud of your journey and your attitude. All the best for the future and lots of fun with the implementation :)
5.00 out of 5
I especially liked how quickly I was able to implement the tips in my everyday life without having to give up. And also real specialist knowledge about ingredients, that you don't chase after every piece of advice and new trend but really understand what happens in the body. And how harmful some cures such as juice fasting are for the blood sugar level.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
08/22/2024Lisa Hetterich
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
That's so nice to hear, that's exactly what it's all about. I'm so pleased that you were able to integrate it into your everyday life so easily! Thank you so much for your great feedback and I'm glad you were there:)
5.00 out of 5
These 20 days have really changed my life and turned my diet, my shopping and my view of food into something so positive that I wouldn't have thought possible. The tips are so easy to implement and I noticed the first changes after just a few days: hardly any cravings and energy lows in the afternoon. Even my sleep has improved, which I couldn't have imagined. Even my family has joined in and we are delighted with all the delicious recipes. If you haven't spoken to Caro yet, you really should, I'm very grateful to have taken the step and I'm looking forward to everything that's to come.
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Customer review & rating for:
WENIGER ZUCKER Challenge Feb 24
Carolin Arndt Nutrition Comment from Carolin Arndt Nutrition:
It's amazing what you've been able to pick up and integrate into your everyday life in such a short time. I'm particularly pleased with the feedback on the changes with the family, because there are always very different needs coming together and that's a good thing :)
Thank you very much for your excellent review and for being there!
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