This evaluation refers specifically to the course for the AEVO examination via IHK-Berlin.
What was covered in the course was very good quality. Well understandable, with room for questions.
Understandably, not all topics can be covered in a crash course. After the course I had the feeling that I was prepared for the practical implementation. However, I still lacked a lot of theoretical knowledge for the first exam and the technical discussion and I had the feeling that I had no idea where to start.
The course was good, but I would have hoped above all to have a plan after the course to prepare myself further for the exams. For example, a list of topics that were not covered in the course but could be covered in the exams.
The crash course was for me mainly a nice and also valuable addition for my way to become a good instructor. However, the course is only a small part of the whole preparation to pass the exams. I would recommend the course to people who want to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a trainer. For the people who want to do a course mainly as preparation for the exams, I found this course less suitable.
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