A few days after I started SSP Balance, I noticed that I was slowly becoming calmer inside. When Ms. Zambrana showed me additional Trauma Release Exercises and I started doing them daily, the calming accelerated. At the end of the first month I finally felt well again for a long time.
In the second month, with SSP Core, the changes went deeper. After about 10 days, for the first time in my life, I felt that it was right for me to be on earth and that I had my place here. I had known this for a long time, but until that day I did not feel it, the hidden, actually not wanted being had been too strongly inscribed in me.
This new experience of mine is an incredible gift!
A few days before the end of the second month I understood very clearly and deep within myself that it is irrelevant what was and happened at that time, that it is only about how I deal with my inner scars and limitations today. I also knew that for a long time, I just could not implement it in myself and so I was still stuck in the past and in the hatred.
This is now over and that is an indescribable liberation and relief!
The next weeks I will be busy with integrating these serious changes and accepting myself as the one I have become because of my history, with all my defects and inabilities and all my liveliness and my abilities. As I experience myself now, I am confident that I will succeed easily.
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