Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery

Aura, Karma & Trauma Clearing Master Healer&Teacher | Awaken The Healer Academy

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Energetics at the top level | Trauma Clearing instead of symptom treatment | Awaken The Healer Academy for beginners and professionals who want to work at the top level.

I help committed people to dissolve energetic blockages, especially traumas,...

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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Emil-Paudert-Str. 21
24326 Ascheberg (Holstein)

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Tamara Schenk

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4.98 out of 5
4.98 out of 5
Through the book "Seelenkater" I became aware of Ms. Schenk aumerksam.Tamara Schenk supports my sick cat mit SDÜ Clearings and theme resolution.Ms. Schenk is very empathetic and works professionally.Thanks to her, our cat is better again, we are very grateful for it.I can highly recommend Tamara.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
5.00 out of 5
Liebe Tamara

Sehr gerne gebe ich Dir ein Feedback🥰

Ich bin meiner Familie sehr dankbar, denn ohne Sie wäre ich heute nicht da wo ich nun sein darf, nämlich in der Ausbildung bei Tamara Schenk.

Durch unsere wunderbare Tochter und meine Katzenbande wurde ich vor ca. 4 Jahren immer offener nebst Schulmedizin auch anderes auszuprobieren. Sei es beim Lesen in Büchern, beim forschen im Internet oder Terminen bei Homöopathen, Energetikern oder einfach Menschen die auch ein „Kind der neuen Zeit“ haben. Bei unserem Alltag ging es nicht immer einfach geradeaus, sondern es brauchte manchmal einfach ein paar Überlandstrassen mehr als einfach die Schnellstrasse für unsere Ziele.

So war ich auch im Sommer 2024 wieder einmal im Internet und suchte nach Lösungen, diesmal für unsere 4-Beiner, einerseits betr. meinem Seelenkater der immer wieder mal nicht ins Kistchen pinkelte und meiner 17-jährigen Katze. Vieles habe ich schon ausprobiert, vieles half, manchmal einfach nur kurzfristig.
Ich stiess dann auf Tamara im Internet, sie postete etwas und ich schrieb ihr. Kurze Zeit darauf durfte ich mich mit ihr über Zoom unterhalten und zwar ziemlich lange. Ich hab ihr da schon einiges anvertraut, die Chemie stimmte einfach sofort. Ich empfand Tamara als sehr sympathisch, einfühlsam und war begeistert von ihrem Weg💕 Die Mischung aus Clearings für Mensch und Tier faszinierte mich extrem. Diese Ausbildung wollte ich auch erlernen, vor allem auch weil ich zuerst in die Heilung gehen darf, meiner Tochter und unseren Katzen sowie anderen helfen kann und irgendwann einmal vielleicht sogar mein eigenes Business aufbauen könnte.
Nun kam dann natürlich mein Verstand und meinte, ist das seriös und funktioniert das überhaupt. Man muss dazu sagen, mein Ehemann glaubt; also im Moment noch; gar nicht an solche Schwingungsmedizin und er müsste das mitfinanzieren, puh wie bringe ich das dem bei. Ich bat Tamara um Referenzen.
Ich durfte mit einigen sprechen und alle schwärmten von Tamara und ihrer Ausbildung. Es ging nicht lange und ich hatte mich angemeldet.
Ich muss dazu noch sagen, ich durfte bei einer Frau (heute einer guten Freundin) die auch in einer anderen Ausbildung bei Tamara zu dieser Zeit war, als Testmonial sein und bekam ein Seelenprofil und das stärkte mich zusätzlich, weil ich dort erfuhr, dass dies mein Weg ist💕
Die Ausbildung ist der Hammer, sehr verständlich aufgebaut, alles kann nachgelesen oder nachgehört werden. Unklarheiten werden bei jedem Call oder in der Telegramgruppe erklärt, besprochen und innert tagesfrist beantwortet. Tamara vermittelt uns so viel Wissen. Auch spürt man wie sie Sich mit unseren Erfolgen, Erfahrungen mit freut. Ist für uns da, wenn wiedermal der Verstand zu fest in den Vordergrund kommt, wir unsicher sind und gibt uns die richtigen Werkzeuge an die Hand um wieder in unsere Kraft und Energie zukommen.
Ich bin einfach happy darf ich diese Ausbildung absolvieren und freue mich jetzt schon auf den baldigen Start der Trauma-Ausbildung und die Cat-Codes. Diese Ausbildung ist für mich so toll, weil ich diese nebst meiner Familie, Job und Hobbies zu Hause ausüben kann und auch einem startenden Business steht nichts im Wege weil ich im Homeoffice dies ausüben kann.
Liebe Grüsse
Customer review & rating for:
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Wie wunderbar, liebe Andrea, ich freue mich so sehr, welch riesige Transformation Du hier hingelegt hast, und mit Dir deine Familie. Und jetzt geht's auch im außen los für Dich. Ich freue mich sehr, dich ins Trauma- und Cat Code Clearing begleiten zu dürfen!
5.00 out of 5
Tamara has structured the entire training very well and built it up in modules.
For me personally, this training is a great enrichment - whether in my work with animals in animal communication or in my work with children as a speech therapist!
An overview of all the topics was given at the beginning, so I always knew what to expect next. At the same time, Tamara always incorporated flexible learning steps if she noticed that the group needed another learning step. Tamara responds individually to each participant and takes the time needed for questions and explanations - whether in various chats on Telegram or by email. I particularly liked the fact that the training calls were always documented with a clear script, which I received in advance. The numerous explanatory videos and overviews also helped me a lot to internalize what I had learned.
I particularly like Tamara's calm presentation style and the flexibility she gives the participants - everyone can go at their own pace and organize their learning time flexibly!
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
10/19/2024Vanessa B.
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Dear Vanessa, I am very pleased that the Soul Master training has enriched you so much and that you are already applying everything you have learned very successfully in various areas!
5.00 out of 5
I trained as a soul master in order to learn readings in the Akashic Records. I would like to add this possibility to my work as an animal communicator. The training content was conveyed in a way that everyone could understand. Tamara is also available for questions after the training and takes care. My clients, both human and animal, are delighted. Above all, the clearing of soul blockages is very helpful. I can recommend this training to everyone. It is an enrichment. Now I can use this tool to help animals and people even better. Thank you dear Tamara. 🙏🏻❤️Auch for including the part for animals, although this was not initially planned. 🙏🏻❤️
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
10/12/2024Gaby K.
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Thank you so much, dear Gaby! I am very pleased to see how enthusiastically you have learned soul mastery and how you feel you have implemented it even more quickly.
I wish you many wonderful, soulful human/animal encounters.
5.00 out of 5
Tamara Schenk structured the Soul Master training in a very structured and understandable way. She was always on hand to answer questions. She puts her heart and soul into it and is very good at leading the group. I am so grateful for this time together, where I have gone through a deep process myself and come out of it clearer, more self-confident and stronger. I really enjoyed learning so much about the soul. Also the respectful, great support of the group is so valuable and changeable. I would absolutely recommend it. A big thank you to Tamara.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
09/21/2024Alexandra S.
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Dear Alexandra, I am so pleased to see how much you have taken away from the Soul Master and what a great leap you have made on your soul path. It was a great pleasure for me to be able to accompany you for a part of your journey, to contribute to your soul harmony, and I look forward to the next steps. Thank you!
5.00 out of 5
Do you want to work with really powerful code tools that effectively clear your clients' chakras and energy systems of blockages and external energies of all kinds in the shortest possible time?

Whether you are starting out with energy work or, like me, are already familiar with many transformational work techniques. One thing is certain!

The clearing techniques you learn in the Awakening the Healer training with the wonderful master and great wisdom teacher Tamara will definitely change your professional work and the life (quality) of your clients in the most positive way!

A clear recommendation from the heart,

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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Thank you so much, dear Angela! I am so happy that you can now help your clients to walk their soul path with your gifts!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Tamara,
Thank you for the great trip. I feel much better after the 3 months than before. From the deepest fear to more confidence.
Your unlimited support between sessions and your patience also helped me a lot in difficult phases or when I had questions. It's amazing how much change is possible in such a short time. Especially compared to years of working on these issues, which did not achieve the desired results.
Even though my own journey is not yet complete, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great support.
Thank you ❤️
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Thank you so much, dear Sissi! Yes, your journey was something very special, for me too, and I am delighted with the mega transformation you have already achieved. Best regards, Tamara
5.00 out of 5
I am very grateful to Tamara Schenk for her help. I have struggled with math since I was a child - a problem that my mother also had. Despite my efforts, tutoring and countless hours invested, I just couldn't make any progress. It was extremely frustrating as I was good in all other subjects and even have a high IQ.
The same difficulties have now arisen with my daughter, who is currently attending elementary school. She is good to very good in all other subjects except math, and I feared that the same fate would repeat itself. Tamara and her Recursive Advanced Aura Clearing helped my daughter.
I am so pleased with the positive results. Thanks to Tamara's support, my daughter has suddenly started to love math and has become really good at it. I am incredibly relieved and happy that I found Tamara.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Dear Julia, that's super strong! I'm so happy for you and your lovely daughter to finally have no more math stress. Thank you :-)
5.00 out of 5
Tamara is authentic and gets to the heart of the topics in an uncomplicated way. She knows how to convey complex topics in a simple way so that it makes you want to learn more and your head is still with you at the end of the module.
Getting straight into practice makes it easy to get involved right from the start.

In the Level 1 certification, my own issue was immediately brought to my attention and I was finally able to accept how unhappy I really am with it. I was finally able to take steps towards change. This has set a deep process in motion within me that has turned my life upside down for the time being and is now gradually coming into order!

I am very grateful for this and to know that I can help myself and others in an incomparable way to initiate their own process, I can only recommend this to everyone!

Thank you so much, dear Tamara 🙏💜
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Customer review & rating for:
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
01/27/2024Nicole Raemy - energetisches HeilWirken für Tier und M.
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Thank you, dear Nicole! You have undergone an immense transformation and can now freely and fluently incorporate everything you have learned into your wonderful healing work for people and animals. I am very happy that you have come into your power and that our journey together continues with the Trauma Clearing training.
5.00 out of 5
I can recommend Tamara without reservation. She is so empathetic and authentic. You can tell that she cares about people and animals and takes everyone seriously. You feel accepted and cared for. Everything is explained very clearly and questions are always answered straight away. If you need help, this is the right place, you are taken by the hand and shown the way. Of course, everyone has to go it themselves.
The most touching thing about "Trau dich aus der Trauer" was the heavenly conversation Tamara had with your deceased animal. Beautiful and unique. The people you meet in the group are also great, you are surrounded by like-minded people. So if you can't get over the grief for your deceased animal on your own, this group is a wonderful place to be and you take a lot with you. Healing/processing can happen... My heartfelt thanks go to Tamara and her lovely feline coworkers 😺
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
11/05/2023Christiane M.
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
Thank you very much, dear Christiane, it was a pleasure to accompany you on your journey. You have made such great progress and can continue to use all the "tools" for yourself.
5.00 out of 5
Tamara has helped me a lot to let go of old traumas and grief without much "work" on my part. She solves this while you lie and relax. If I had not experienced it myself I would not believe it. Tamara has such a great way about her and is always there when you need her. I definitely recommend her. The soul profile alone is worth so much. Now I know why I love water so much. Thank you Tamara for everything. You are a savior for this world.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
So happy, dear Anne! I am very happy about the great way of transformation that you have put in the last few months! Thank you :-)
5.00 out of 5
Fascination, positive changes, the desire for more and the beginning to an exciting journey to myself.

Where to start: in May of this year I became aware of Tamara and her very extraordinary clearings. I immediately thought, I think this is exactly the right thing for me to finally process and say goodbye to some negative experiences from the past. Intuitively I felt that I would like to get rid of ballast and that this path would be purposeful for me. A personal meeting with Tamara confirmed my opinion. She is very sympathetic, authentic and incredibly competent.

So it started with a very intensive Aura Clearing, I noticed already during the session on many body parts reactions, could not interpret them properly at first, but was highly motivated for further clearings, of which many followed. Very intense was also the Karma Clearing with strong physical reactions, as well as the Hormone Clearing, whose effectiveness I noticed immediately for several weeks through clear physical symptoms.

Numerous other clearings like throat chakra, soul clearing, activation of soul mission, karma special dissolution of shadows followed. And some more small clearings. I feel the positive changes, have become calmer, I am the type of woman who always has plan B-F in the back of my mind when A doesn't work, which is very stressful for myself as well as for my family, rethink things felt 100 times. This has gotten a lot better since the clearings.

Also very annoying office stuff with uploading photos and documents is much better for me since the clearings, I need only about a quarter of the time that I needed before due to my control mania.

On the one hand, I react more calmly in situations that used to stress me out a lot, but I also now show boundaries more quickly and clearly. My personal environment also notices the changes, for me a lot of blockages have already been removed and especially interpersonal interactions are more uncomplicated - simply because I no longer think in such a complicated way.

In summary, I am very enthusiastic about my personal development, but I still notice that there is still room for improvement. That's why I will start the fascinating journey Awaken the Healer in October and learn the methodology to perform different clearings myself - without any previous knowledge in energetic areas. Up to now I have done something completely different and decades ago I completed two commercial trainings. A brave and exciting path begins and I am full of anticipation, thank you Tamara for your very valuable work.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
How wonderful, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your so touching feedback. Yes, you have made a great development, and now it goes to the next level with the Awaken The Healer training. I am very happy to be able to continue to accompany you!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Tamara
Thank you very much for everything! It just fit between us! I wish you all the best! And nice that I did not have to travel from Switzerland to you ;-)
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery Comment from Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery:
It was a great pleasure for me to accompany you on your way :-)
5.00 out of 5
Two weeks ago, I was driving home from a friend's house in the evening around 9 pm through a small town at 50 kmh. Suddenly I saw in a split second on my side something striped and then it was already happened.
I ran over an animal with front and rear tire. You read it a lot and wish something like that would never happen to you. The cat was dead on the spot.
When I drove home after about an hour I noticed how the shock slowly subsided and I started to feel guilty. Why guilt ? I had no chance to prevent the death of the cat. She just ran into my car. The night I could sleep to some extent.
But the next morning the feelings of guilt were there again and I had a very depressing feeling. The shock had caught up with me again and was still deep inside me.

I called Tamara and booked a Trauma Clearing. In the afternoon I darkened the bedroom, relaxed in bed and let the energy work on me. I immediately felt how the tension was released and my senses perceived this Trauma Clearing as something very, very pleasant. You can already feel a relaxation during the clearing. At the end of the clearing, the oppressive feeling, the guilt and also the fear was gone. I felt liberated and also confirmed that there are situations in life that you cannot prevent. The trauma clearing helped me a lot to accept this, to understand it and thus to be able to think in peace about the cat I had run over.

You can also shorten it if you like.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
5.00 out of 5
Simply put, without a lot of back and forth.
I have bulimia. I think that I will always have it. However, through the wonderful work of and with Tamara, I am confident that I will no longer have to live out the bulimia. At the beginning of working with Tamara, I had binge eating episodes every day, sometimes several times a day, and then every time I would get it all out again geko!%&! 🚽
I have received several clearings (aura, entities, karma and hormone) and each one is wonderful and valuable in its own way. I can't judge which one was better than the other, that's not the point. I can say for myself, ALL have been important in my journey out of this spiral. I eat with a good feeling, enjoy and even if here and there something 'unhealthy' is eaten, I have no guilt, I have not had that for as long as I can think back. 🤩
Words cannot describe the gratitude and my feelings. I look forward to my continued journey.... Back to me. 🥰
From the bottom of my heart ❤️
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Customer review & rating for:
Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
5.00 out of 5
There is indeed more in this world than we can grasp with our minds. My experiences with my old cat and Tamara Schenk were so convincing that I now KNOW that there is more. So it was not only me, but even my friend who only believes in what she sees is now convinced that energy work and blockage dissolutions work. I am also convinced that there are no coincidences, but I was specifically led to Tamara Schenk and her services. I found her at just the right time, both for my cat and for me.
In addition, she offers not only with cats/animals many possibilities that improve the health or their well-being, but also for people she has a rich offer that can support and help anyone who really shows willingness to cooperate. Especially with the difficult topic of death and mourning, she offered a seminar that brought a lot of change for me in dealing with this difficult topic. So I was able to deal with the farewell of my soul cat better and to cope better with the grief afterwards. Unfortunately, Tamara Schenk can only prevent one thing not.....death. But she manages the rest effortlessly and with an empathic and calm, as well as understanding way- that one feels very well taken care of at any time with her. Thank you, dear Tamara, from the bottom of my heart for BEING! You and your work are a gift for animals and humans! Best regards Klaudia
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
5.00 out of 5
I have learned a method (Aura Clearing Practitioner) that allows me to help not only other people, but also myself and my animals - which makes me independent and free. In addition, during the training I received some Aura Clearings through Tamara, which also helped me in my personal development. Tamara also gave us more information and bonus and addressed our questions, which helped me a lot. I recommend the courses to others as you get an all round package which you don't get elsewhere or very rarely. I look forward to taking more courses with Tamara!
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
05/24/2023Bianca T.
5.00 out of 5
I am deeply grateful that I was able to do my training with Tamara and that our journey together continues. The next courses are booked and will follow. A lot has happened and I have been given wonderful tools for my work, which perfectly complement my previous offer. I can heartily recommend the course. Best regards, Maja
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
05/19/2023Maja K.
5.00 out of 5
Feedback Clearing Program

The last half year was like a journey, a journey to myself with the support of Tamara's Clearing Program. Tamara has a wonderful open nature, she responded to me holistically and also gave me the time I needed for each session. There were frequent breaks on my part due to illness - but the scheduling continued smoothly. I learned a lot about myself. I now know where I come from and what my soul purpose is. I feel like a lighthouse on this earth, big and strong. Beliefs could be dissolved and so much more. Whole layers have been uncovered and cleared. More and more golden-violet light fills me and I feel one with the universe. There is a reason for everything that happens. I am glad to have taken this step and the program has helped me a lot. Tamara I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your being, your doing and your presence in my life.
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
03/06/2023Daniela S.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Tamara, the recursive aura cleaning did so good! And it has solved some and also triggered! Namely resistance from the people who were attached to us! That was and still is not easy! But it is great that no one can tap us anymore! I feel safe! Matu my soul cat, who takes a lot from us people, has completely fallen into a hole.His task is now solved. But that's what I wrote to you...whatever else you did, Findus takes insane care of Matu! A thousand thanks for that!!! Matu eats better again, only the drinking does not want yet so properly...
I can now separate myself from people well! Also at work some positive things have changed! I still absorb all energies, but I can get rid of them well! I can only recommend the recursive Aura Clearing!!! It gives me much more quality of life! Great stuff!!! I am looking forward to the recursive Karma Clearing! This will again solve a lot and also then will be bumpy again. But I find more and more back to my soul!
PS: have dreamed great and very intense after the clearing! I would say I was briefly in my "home" .There where I was once conceived...😍 It completely changes the self-confidence and body image! A thousand thanks dear Tamara!!! Great, soo valuable work from you! With much compassion and loving care!!♥️🙏
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
5.00 out of 5
The loving care and the heart and soul that Tamara puts into her work is really good for the soul.
The conversations and the clearings have helped my cat, who was completely frightened by traumatic influences, and me very much.
Particularly impressive and powerful was the entity clearing, which Tamara performs with the utmost conscientiousness. It caused a real liberation on all levels for both of us; also for the apartment building. Now everything feels much lighter, calmer and more relaxed.
Thank you very much dear Tamara!
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Tamara Schenk | Energy Field Mastery
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