I have worked with Irina on a female development program that we have launched at my organisation and that has empowered dozens of female colleagues. I am still very impressed by her expertise, her energy and her faciliation skills and can only highly recommend her. I am looking forward to continuing the program with her to empower and increase our impact even more!
I have had the pleasure of working with Irina for several years on various topics, including personal coaching, moderation, and team development. Her sessions are meticulously prepared, tailored to individual needs, and thoughtfully designed. I am consistently impressed by her ability to foster a positive and open atmosphere, encouraging everyone to actively participate.
In our recent collaboration, Irina's expertise was instrumental in helping our newly formed team create an inspiring vision statement within a single day. Her guidance ensured that everyone was not only engaged but also genuinely committed to the vision.
Working in a large multinational firm, I have experienced a high number of coaches. I can confidently say that Irina stands out. Finding someone with her unique blend of skills and dedication combined with such a positive spirit is rare. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking exceptional coaching and team development.
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Profil aktiv seit 29.10.2024 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 21.11.2024
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