PB Vehicle Care Saarlouis®
Your specialist for high-quality paint sealing such as ceramic sealing, graphene sealing, nano sealing as well as car preparation, smart repair, dent doctor and paint doctor in Saarland, Trier and Luxembourg for over 27
With our specialization in private customer vehicles, we offer you a tailor-made car preparation in the premium segment. Every vehicle is inspected by us in advance. In doing so, we take particular account of the motive for the vehicle preparation and your individual wishes.
In the case of a lease return, for example, completely different factors are important than in the case of a new car paint sealant.
Our other focus in the new car sector is clearly on ceramic sealing. In the used car sector, we specialize in professional paint preparation and vehicle preparation for lease returns. Our services also include difficult cases such as the removal of flash rust, brake dust and industrial soiling as well as the removal of car wash scratches and holograms. Our Smart Repair Doctors and our Dent Doctor round off the range. As anyone in Germany can call themselves a "vehicle refurbisher" without any prior knowledge or experience, we proved our qualifications for the first time in 2012. We were the first car valeting company in Germany to be awarded the coveted Q seal by Minister Heiko Maas. Three years later, we were able to call another Q seal for special service our own.
Since 2016, we have been awarded "TOP SERVICE PROVIDER" by our customers every year. To achieve this, at least 95% of customer ratings had to be "very good".
Around 95% of our customers are private individuals in Germany and abroad. Luxembourg, Trier, Homburg, Saarbrücken or even Switzerland. Our customers are happy to accept the long journeys. It is not uncommon to find customer vehicles that are located far outside the Saarland.
Numerous satisfied business and private customers recommend us to others. Even the longest journey is worth it!
PB Fahrzeugpflege Saarlouis® - "For others, what they say is enough, for us it's what we've achieved that counts!"
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