My versatility is the result of more than 30 years of professional activity. When you see the connections, my offer becomes logical.
Training as a programmer in the mainframe area and many years of experience as an IT network technician ended in... the expertise as a long-term IT project manager.
Several decades of experience in leading large international IT projects with a volume of 1M.
Working with personalities as part of IT project management led me to teach and pass on the knowledge and techniques on the subject of empathy. This also resulted in books that are available everywhere (also on Amazon :)). Experience in practice: Several lectures annually up to a total of a thousand listeners and the publication of 3 books.
As a trained programmer, I came into contact with virtual reality for a few years. Since then, I have created VR worlds that can be operated with a browser with my small company.
This is brand new in the portfolio. A couple of years of experience creating 3D models for VR. We have already been able to work for some international customers in Europe and the US.
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