My hair transplant was planned to be done in 2 days consecutively, 4500 grafts overall.
I stayed in a 4* hotel in the asian side of Istanbul, the hotel is nothing to highlight, but I did not come to Turkey to stay in a 7* hotel but to do a hair transplant, it was a normal 4* hotel.
Pick up at the airport went smoothly, there was a person awaiting with my name, that person accompanied me to the pick up point where a van picked me up and drove me to the hospital. They do the blood extraction the day before of the surgery to have the results ready first thing next day.
I was picked up at the hotel at 9am, and at 9.15am I was seated with Dr. Turan and my translator for the consultation and design. They checked my donor area hair thickness (they told me they do this to chose the right punch size during the extraction), they asked several questions about my health and alopecia history and then Doctor Turan did my hair transplant design after I explained what were my expectations.
From the consultation room, we went to the surgery room to shave my head and wash it and then straight to the anesthesia. I was quite frightened due to the horror stories I heard from other patients but with the sedative pill I was given and the painless anesthesia used, when they started to inject the local anesthesia, I felt it but it was not pain, just a bit of discomfort.
Then, they started the extraction....something I like from their approach is that they don´t extract all the grafts in one go. In my case, they did one extraction of 1100 grafts and then Dr. Turan did the implantation. We did a lunch break, and then they repeated the process again, 1000 grafts extracted and implanted and we call it a day. By 4pm I was back in the hotel.
I was feeling quite lazy to hang around, so I just stayed in the room watching some netflix and went down for dinner, then I tried to find a proper position to go back to sleep and following the advises given by them, I manage to sleep 6 hours overall with couple of breaks.
Next day was pretty much the same than the first one, main difference was that we moved to the surgery room as soon as I arrived to the hospital. Then 1200 grafts extracted and implanted in the morning , break for lunch, another 1200 after lunch and finally the PRP treatment.
The 3rd day, before going to the airport, I went to the hospital to be checked by Doctor Dogan Turan and for the first wash. One of the nurses removed my bandages, applied the lotion, cleaned my donor area and then washed my head while the translator was giving me all the instructions for the following washes.
So overall, it was a long process but everything was very well managed, everyone in the team knew what to do, and Doctor Dogan Turan implanted all my grafts. I can´t be more grateful to the Doctor and the whole team of FUECAPILAR. It is incredible what they have achieved in my HT.
Excellent (5.00)
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