The stock investment world can be confusing for climate-conscious private investors. It is full of daily news, contradicting views, and absurd greenwashing. Pure Climate Stocks is an online knowledge platform that helps you make well-informed... stock investment decisions faster and with climate impact. We inspire, educate, and support private investors like you in their climate investing journey.
By providing comprehensive and reliable informationguidesand detailed stock analysiswe’ll help you build and expand your profitable portfolio of climate-friendly stocks.
I had a great experience with the Pure Climate Stocks trainings, which helped me better understand different investment strategies, the climate impact of my investments and how to construct and manage my own portfolio of pure climate stocks. I would highly recommend it to all investors looking for a positive real world impact of their investments.
As a newcomer to investment and stocks in general I found these sessions highly informative and practically useful. The most important thing for me has been being able to understand both the decision making process behind investments, but also how to use the tools available (i.e. apps, databases etc) to be able to efficiently trade. I appreciate the transparent conversation around diversifying stocks and so creating a purely climate portfolio is perhaps a little more risky. Thank you Matthias! and hope to hear more about future sessions!
Alles in einem ein ausreichendes Seminar, dass einen Einblick in die Welt des Investieren gibt. Es wurde nicht so sehr auf nachhaltiges Investieren eingegangen, wie ich es mir gehofft hatte. Der Fokus lag mehr auf der praktischen Seite des Investierens, was einerseits für Neulinge sicherlich interessant ist, für mich allerdings nicht allzu relevant war. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass auf ESG Kriterien eingegangen und auf verschiedene Vergleichsportale hingewiesen worden wäre (MSCI etc).
Many thanks for leaving your comment. I am sad to read that you did not get out of the seminar what you were hoping for. The product page of the seminar where you purchased it clearly stated that the seminar is a beginner's seminar for investing in climate impact. It said that the course focuses on the fundamentals of investing and how to practically invest in stocks that make a difference for the climate (Pure Climate Stocks) using neobrokers. As the seminar is a short 2x hour online live seminar including Questions & Answers in which participants are to achieve their investment goals with Pure Climate Stocks, I need to make sure that those goals are reached. Hence, there is no room to cover in the detail the topics you wished for.
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Profil aktiv seit 10.06.2022 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.11.2023
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