REICO Partner Liebe Füttern

Distribution of REICO dog food & cat food, feed supplements, herbs

REICO Partner Liebe Füttern
4.85 out of 5
96 Reviews
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We recommend you only natural, healthy and species-appropriate dog and cat food made in Germany / Allgäu, in pure food quality, from animals from species-appropriate husbandry, from regional suppliers, the vegetables and fruit also come from...

Contact information

REICO Partner Liebe Füttern
Tulpenstraße 7a
85235 Odelzhausen

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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern

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96% Recommended
5 stars 82
1 star 0
Excellent (4.80)
Cost-performance ratio
Excellent (4.65)
Top competencies


5.00 out of 5
16 Reviews


5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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4.84 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Ich bin absolut begeistert von den Produkten von Reico! Schon mein vorheriger Hund hat Reico-Futter bekommen und ist sehr alt geworden – für mich war daher klar, dass mein jetziger Hund ebenfalls Reico bekommt. Egal ob Trockenfutter, oder Nassfutter wie (besonders) Heimatglück oder die Zusätze, mein Hund liebt es einfach!
Die Lieferungen kommen immer schnell bei uns an, und der Kundenservice ist super freundlich und hilfsbereit. Besonders meine Reico-Berater unterstützt mich bei all meinen Fragen oder Anliegen. Ich bekomme immer schnell Rückmeldung und fühle mich bestens betreut.
Ich bin rundum zufrieden mit den Produkten – für meinen Hund und auch für mich! Ich empfehle Reico und LiebeFüttern immer gern weiter. P.S. Vielen Dank für die nette Weihnachtskarte!
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Hinterlassen Sie eine Bewertung für Ihren ersten Einkauf
09/01/2025Sabine G.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Vielen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Rückmeldung Frau Groß! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie und Ihre Fellnase so zufrieden mit unseren Produkten sind und dass auch Ihr vorheriger Hund mit Reico ein langes und gesundes Leben führen konnte.
Es ist schön zu wissen, dass Hundefutter besonders die Produkte Heimatglück als auch die Zusätze so gut ankommen. Ihre lieben Worte über die schnelle Lieferung und den persönlichen Kundenservice geben wir gerne an die Zentrale weiter.
Besonders freut uns, dass Sie sich bei unserem Berater Team so gut aufgehoben fühlen. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, eine individuelle und verlässliche Beratung zu bieten, und Ihr Feedback zeigt uns, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Erfahrungen teilen und uns Ihr Vertrauen schenken. Wenn wir in Zukunft etwas für Sie tun können, stehen wir jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung!

Herzliche Grüße
5.00 out of 5
Am Anfang war ich etwas unsicher, als ich auf der Homepage gesehen habe, dass man ohne ein persönliches Gespräch mit einem REICO-Partner keine Bestellung aufgeben kann. Aber schon nach dem ersten Kontakt mit Ronny Rißmann-Wieland war ich positiv überrascht. Die Beratung war unglaublich freundlich und es ging dabei nicht darum, mir irgendetwas aufzuschwatzen, sondern wirklich auf meine Fragen und die Bedürfnisse meines Hundes einzugehen.

Ronny hat sich viel Zeit genommen, um mir alles genau zu erklären. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass er wirklich versteht, was mein Hund braucht, und das hat mir sehr geholfen. Ich habe schließlich genau das bestellt, was Sinn macht – ganz ohne Druck oder unnötige Empfehlungen.

Seitdem hat sich bei meinem Hund so viel verbessert! Keine Magenprobleme mehr, und sein Fell ist dichter und viel glänzender geworden. Er wirkt insgesamt fitter und ausgeglichener. Ich bin wirklich begeistert von der Qualität der REICO-Produkte für mein Hund und der professionellen Beratung. Ich kann Ronny Rißmann-Wieland und REICO jedem empfehlen, der für sein Tier nur das Beste möchte!
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Liebe Annalena,

vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Bewertung und Ihr Vertrauen! Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass Sie und Ihr Hund mit der Beratung und den REICO-Produkten so zufrieden sind. Es ist immer mein Ziel, individuell auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Tieres einzugehen und dabei eine Lösung zu finden, die wirklich Sinn macht.

Umso schöner ist es, dass sich die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden Ihres Hundes so positiv entwickelt haben. Zu wissen, dass er nun keine Magenprobleme mehr hat und sich sein Fell so toll verbessert hat, ist das größte Kompliment für mich und REICO.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Erfahrungen teilen und REICO weiterempfehlen! Wenn Sie in Zukunft weitere Fragen haben oder Unterstützung benötigen, bin ich jederzeit gerne für Sie da.

Herzliche Grüße
Ronny Rißmann-Wieland
5.00 out of 5
Wir sind mehr als zufrieden mit dem REICO Nass- und Trockenfutter! Unser Hund liebt es, und die positiven Veränderungen sind deutlich zu sehen – glänzendes Fell, mehr Energie und eine top Verdauung. Besonders überzeugt uns die natürliche Zusammensetzung und die Herstellung in Deutschland im wunderschönen Allgäu. Hier wird wirklich auf Qualität geachtet!
Ein großes Dankeschön auch an das Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Team. Die Beratung war einfach hervorragend – kompetent, herzlich und immer auf das Wohl der Tiere bedacht.
Wer das Beste für seinen Hund möchte, ist bei REICO und Liebe Füttern genau richtig!

Fam. Mathias Peters
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Ronny Rißmann-Wieland
17/12/2024Mathias P.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hallo Familie Peters

Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Bewertung! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Ihr Hund das REICO Nass- und Trockenfutter so gut annimmt und Sie positive Veränderungen wie ein glänzendes Fell, mehr Energie und eine gute Verdauung feststellen. Genau das ist unser Anspruch!

Die natürliche Zusammensetzung und die Herstellung in Deutschland im schönen Allgäu sind uns besonders wichtig – Qualität, die man sieht und spürt.

Ein großes Dankeschön auch für Ihr Lob zur Beratung bei Liebe Füttern. Es liegt uns am Herzen, Sie und Ihre Fellnase bestmöglich zu unterstützen.

Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrem Vierbeiner weiterhin viel Freude und Gesundheit mit REICO!

Ronny Rißmann-Wieland und das Team LIEBE FÜTTERN
5.00 out of 5
Wir sind durch empfehlung unser Nachbarn auf Liebe Füttern gekommen. Ein breites Angebot an leckeren Hundefutter. Unsere beiden Hunde lieben die Hundewürste Heimatglück. Preis Leistung ist super und Versand ging wirklich schnell, nach 3 Tagen hatten wir das Futter aus dem Allgäu. Sind jetzt wohl treuer Stammkunden :)
Familie Sienger
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Ronny Rißmann-Wieland
16/12/2024K. S.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Liebe Familie Sienger,

herzlichen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Bewertung und Ihr Vertrauen in REICO und das LIEBE FÜTTERN Team! 😊 Es freut uns sehr, dass Ihre Nachbarn uns empfohlen haben und Ihre Fellnasen die Hundewürste Heimatglück so lieben – genau das macht unsere Arbeit so erfüllend. 🐾💚

Dass Sie sowohl mit der Qualität unseres Futters als auch mit dem schnellen Versand zufrieden sind, freut uns natürlich umso mehr. Ihre Zufriedenheit und die Ihrer Vierbeiner stehen für uns immer an erster Stelle.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie weiterhin als treue Stammkunden begleiten zu dürfen und stehen Ihnen bei Fragen oder Wünschen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung!

Herzliche Grüße
Ronny Rißmann-Wieland und das Team von LIEBE FÜTTERN
5.00 out of 5
We are absolutely delighted with the advice and the food from Reico! In our search for a healthier and higher quality alternative for our dog food, we quickly found what we were looking for. The food is convincing across the board and clearly stands out from the products in the supermarket. A big thank you to Ronny Rißmann-Wieland for his comprehensive and competent support in changing our dogs' diet.

All of our four-legged friends tolerate the food excellently - even our most sensitive dog, who often had problems in the past, is well looked after with Reico. The high yield is also a plus point, and the dogs are vital, healthy and completely satisfied. The direct home delivery is not only practical, but also reliable and fast - a real advantage, especially during the stressful Christmas period!

We particularly appreciate the service provided by LIEBE FÜTTERN, including the fast and uncomplicated communication via WhatsApp. The supplement products for humans are also of high quality and well tolerated. Conclusion: Reico and the service from LIEBE FÜTTERN are simply top - absolutely recommendable for all those who want to do something good for their dogs and themselves!

Best wishes from the Berger family from the Palatinate
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern - Feedback
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Dear Berger family,

Thank you very much for your wonderful review and your great feedback! We are delighted to hear that you and your four-legged friends are so happy with our advice and the Reico food. It is especially nice that even your most sensitive dog tolerated the change of food so well - this shows how important the right nutrition is.

Your praise for the delivery and our service via WhatsApp is a great motivation for us to continue to do our best to ensure that you and your pets are well looked after at all times. Of course, we are just as pleased that you also like the supplement products for humans!

We wish you and your family - including your four-legged friends - a healthy, happy and relaxed time. We will be happy to continue to provide you with help and advice!

Best regards
Ronny Rißmann-Wieland and the LIEBE FÜTTERN team
3.00 out of 5
Unfreundlich nicht telefonisch erreichbar man kann nicht auf Rechnung bestellen einfach nur scheiße
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern - Feedback
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hallo Frau Schneck,
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Es tut uns sehr leid, dass Sie eine solche Erfahrung gemacht haben. Wir legen großen Wert auf Freundlichkeit und Erreichbarkeit und nehmen Ihre Rückmeldung sehr ernst. Bezüglich der Zahlungsmöglichkeiten und Erreichbarkeit arbeiten wir daran, unseren Service weiter zu verbessern. Zögern Sie nicht, uns direkt zu kontaktieren, damit wir Ihr Anliegen klären können. Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld und Ihr Verständnis.

Ganz liebe Grüße
Ihr Team von LIEBE FÜTTERN 💚
5.00 out of 5
Ein hochwertiges Futter, das hält, was es verspricht – und ein Service, der begeistert!

Auf einem Markttag sind wir auf das Team LIEBE FÜTTERN und das REICO Hundefutter aufmerksam geworden. Für unseren Hund, der seit Langem unter Hautproblemen litt, war das die Rettung. Trotz zahlreicher Futterwechsel hatte nichts geholfen, bis wir REICO Heimatglück und das Trockenfutter MaxiDog Olymp ausprobiert haben. Bereits nach nur vier Wochen konnten wir erste verbesserungen seine Haut feststellen, sein Fell glänzt wieder gesund, und er ist deutlich agiler und glücklicher.

Das Futter selbst ist von beeindruckender Qualität: frisch, natürlich und mit einem sehr guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Unser Hund liebt sowohl das Nass- als auch das Trockenfutter – und wir lieben die positiven Veränderungen, die es gebracht hat.

Besonders hervorzuheben ist jedoch der Kundenservice. Die Beratung war nicht nur kompetent, sondern auch unglaublich individuell. Es wurde sich wirklich Zeit genommen, um die Bedürfnisse unseres Hundes zu verstehen. Alle Fragen wurden mit Fachwissen und Empathie beantwortet, und wir haben uns jederzeit gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Diese Art von Service ist heutzutage selten und macht das Gesamtpaket umso überzeugender.

Wir können REICO Heimatglück und MaxiDog Olymp ohne Einschränkungen empfehlen – ein erstklassiges Futter, unterstützt von einem Team, das mit Herz und Verstand arbeitet. Danke für diese großartige Erfahrung!

Familie Holger Birkenstock
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern - Feedback
26/11/2024Holger B.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Vielen lieben Dank, Familie Birkenstock, für diese wundervolle Bewertung!

Es freut uns unglaublich, dass Sie und Ihr Vierbeiner mit REICO Heimatglück und MaxiDog Olymp so zufrieden sind – und vor allem, dass Ihr Hund sichtbare Verbesserungen zeigt. Hautprobleme können wirklich belastend sein, und zu hören, dass es ihm jetzt so viel besser geht, macht uns sehr glücklich!

Auch Ihr Lob für unsere Beratung bedeutet uns sehr viel. Es ist uns wichtig, dass wir uns für jeden Kunden die Zeit nehmen, die es braucht, um die richtigen Lösungen zu finden – umso schöner, wenn diese Wertschätzung bei Ihnen ankommt.

Wir sind dankbar, Sie und Ihren Hund begleiten zu dürfen, und stehen Ihnen natürlich jederzeit weiterhin mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen teilen und uns weiterempfehlen.

Ganz liebe Grüße
Ihr Team von LIEBE FÜTTERN 💚
5.00 out of 5
Everything fits perfectly everything is perfect lg Marion
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern - Feedback
06/11/2024Marion S.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Dear Marion, 🐾
Thank you very much for the great 5-star rating and the nice feedback! 😊 We are delighted that everything went perfectly for you and that you are completely satisfied. That's how it should be! 💚

Best regards and see you next time!
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
Since we switched to Reico, our dogs' allergy problems have decreased significantly. Both dogs tolerate the food very well thanks to its high-quality composition. We have been feeding the dog sausages for about two years and have noticed a noticeable improvement: the stools are firmer and odorless, which was not the case with conventional foods, where they were often foul-smelling and runny.

Complaints were dealt with quickly and professionally, including an apology and replacement delivery (even if, in my opinion, it was the fault of the parcel service).

Both the wet and dry food have made our mixed breed dogs more agile and healthier. Since then, visits to the vet have been reduced to a minimum.

We are completely satisfied with the Liebe Füttern team and can recommend Reico food and Liebe Füttern without reservation.
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17/10/2024Horst W.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Thank you very much for your great 5-star rating! We are very pleased to hear that switching to REICO food has significantly improved your dogs' allergy problems and that they tolerate the food very well. The fact that their bowel movements have also improved and their visits to the vet have been reduced shows us how positively the diet is affecting your dogs' health.

We would also like to thank you for your understanding with regard to the complaint. Your satisfaction is very important to us and we are pleased that we were able to resolve everything to your complete satisfaction.

We are grateful for your loyalty and trust in REICO and Liebe Füttern - here's to many more healthy years for your dogs! 💚
5.00 out of 5
Woof, woof!
This is Leon, the proud shepherd dog from Rosbach vor der Höhe! I came to my master Norbert 14 months ago, and you guys, I was really out of sorts. My appetite? Let's just say... pretty modest. My master tried EVERYTHING - from treats that are supposedly "a dream" to the wildest creations in the bowl, but nothing really blew me away.

Until one fateful day! Our neighbor came over with her dog - and brace yourselves - she had food from REICO distributor Liebe Füttern with her!
At first, my master was skeptical because you can't buy the food in the store, but you know how two-legged friends are - always do your research first. After my master had examined everything and approved it, I was finally able to get started.

What can I say? I emptied my bowl at the speed of light! Everyone was amazed, and me? I was in food paradise! Since then, everything has been running smoothly - no more visits to the uncle doctor. And the best thing? My "business" is now so easy-peasy! No more embarrassing fussing, which always made my master look so annoyed.

Now I'm on cloud nine and hope that many of my dog buddies can also convince their humans that love feeding is the best thing that can happen to a dog!
Oh yes, and since the nice parcel man brought me REICO, I've been very friendly to him.

A proud woof-woof,
your Leon and master Norbert from Rosbach vor der Höhe
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14/10/2024Leon und Herrchen N.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Dear Leon and his master Norbert,

We are absolutely thrilled with your story - what lovely feedback! We are delighted that you, dear Leon, finally have your perfect food and that your bowl is always empty in no time at all. We're really happy that you're enjoying your REICO food so much and that your health is improving!

A big thank you also to your owner Norbert, who was so well informed and made the best decision for you. And as for the parcel man - maybe he really will surprise you with even more treats soon!

We hope that many of your dog buddies will also be able to convince their humans to choose REICO and send you a hearty woof-woof back!

Best regards, your team from Liebe Füttern 💚🐕
5.00 out of 5
After a long search, we have finally found the perfect food for our border collie Shelby! Eating was always just a minor matter for her - a little distraction and the full bowl would stop. But since we started feeding her REICO, that has changed completely! Shelby can hardly wait, whines in the kitchen and stays by the bowl until it's spotless. I've never seen her so excited!

What particularly impressed us: The Reico food is produced in a German family business (in the beautiful Allgäu region), without animal testing - all for the benefit of the animals. The Liebe Füttern team also convinced us completely, the service was perfect all round.
We are thrilled and can only warmly recommend REICO and Liebe Füttern!
Thank you very much for the best food we have ever had!

LG Shelby and family Katja Runge from Düsseldorf
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11/10/2024Katja R.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Dear Runge family

Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback! We are incredibly pleased that Shelby loves the REICO food so much and eats it with enthusiasm every time - that is the best compliment for us. The fact that she is now even waiting excitedly in the kitchen puts a big smile on our faces!

We are particularly pleased that you are not only impressed by the food, but also by our service and the REICO philosophy. We attach great importance to acting in the best interests of the animals and are delighted that this is also appreciated by our customers.

Thank you very much for your recommendations - it really means a lot to us! We look forward to continuing to support you and Shelby with REICO food.

Best regards
Ronny Rißmann-Wieland and the Liebe Füttern team
5.00 out of 5
Hello, today I would finally like to praise the Liebe Füttern team and especially Mr. Rißmann-Wieland. Our consultation was simply perfect, more than we expected.
To be honest, we were quite desperate and had been looking for a suitable food for our dog Sany for quite some time. Sany will be 10 years old in January and had been suffering from pancreatic insufficiency for about 7 months. My vet then recommended some food. But we couldn't see any real improvement.
Sany is also quite picky and doesn't eat everything. It only got better for a short time, then the diarrhea came back. I had to go to the vet every two weeks to have his anal gland expressed. He was constantly licking his anus and smelled very unpleasant.
Then in June I came across Reico's Love Feeding and food on the Internet. Since the end of June, he has been fed Reico Heimatglück food and a herbal mixture for intestinal cleansing.
The diarrhea is gone and since we have been feeding Reico, we have not been to our vet anymore. He no longer smells unpleasant and no longer licks himself. His coat also looks better again. I think this will continue to improve. He is also really lively again. Thank you for your help! I am so happy that I found Liebe Füttern and that our Sany is finally feeling better again. I can wholeheartedly recommend Liebe Füttern.

Best regards from Hanover Family Regina Blume & Sany
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09/10/2024Fam. B.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hello Mrs. Blume,
Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback! We are delighted to hear that Sany is doing so much better thanks to the change of food to Reico and that you have finally found a solution to his problems. Your praise means a lot to us, especially for Mr. Rißmann-Wieland, who was able to support you and Sany with his advice.

It's nice to know that Sany is more energetic again and that you no longer have to visit the vet regularly. It's results like this that motivate us in our work every day. We wish you and Sany all the best and look forward to continuing to support you in the future!

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
Uncomplicated ordering
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Team
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Thank you very much for your feedback! We are very pleased that you are satisfied. If you have any questions or need support in the future, we will be happy to help you!

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
I recently became a Reico customer from another partner. However, it was actually only because of the internet presence of REICO Partner Liebe Füttern that this came about (among other things because a lot is explained very informatively here).
Today I received quite devastating diagnoses (some of them were known beforehand, but not all diagnoses or the extent) from a CT scan and went back to the site to look at Pro 6. I had the opportunity to chat with the partner here and felt totally "in good hands" and very friendly/empathetic and well advised right from the start, even though I had immediately indicated that I was already a customer at REICO - you can see that the advice/the animal is in the foreground... and I think that's just great and I can only rate it positively. I will certainly stay in contact with this partner (which I was kindly offered)
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Team
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:

Thank you very much for your great feedback and your frank words. We are very pleased that you feel you are in good hands with us and that you are receiving good advice - that is exactly our goal! It is important to us to help you and your pet in the best possible way, regardless of where you are already a customer. The fact that you appreciate our advice and empathy so much really means a lot to us.

We will, of course, continue to be at your side at all times and look forward to further exchanges with you.

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
We searched and tried for a long time - until we found Liebe Füttern.
Now we have been satisfied customers for years with 2 dogs and recently a tomcat :)
All three tolerate the food, are healthy and full of energy. The delivery always goes without a hitch. We now use the delivery service so that our furry friends always have something tasty in the house.
No matter whether we write an email or WhatsApp, the replies are not long in coming. The team is very friendly and helpful.
We are as enthusiastic as on the first day. That's why we are always happy to recommend Liebe Füttern to others!
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07/08/2024Familie B.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hello Baumann family,

Thank you very much for your great feedback and your years of loyalty! We are delighted to hear that your two dogs and now also your cat tolerate the food so well and are healthy and vital. This is exactly what we do our best for every day!

It's great that our delivery service and fast communication work so well for you - we are happy to pass on the praise to our team. We are delighted that you recommend us so enthusiastically!

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
3.00 out of 5
It is almost impossible to enter a different delivery address. Unfortunately, I can't reach anyone by phone and my request for a call in the morning has not been fulfilled.
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REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Thank you for your feedback and please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. We are sorry that you had difficulty entering an alternative delivery address and reaching us by phone.
We would be happy to contact you immediately to ensure that your issue is resolved as quickly as possible. As you wrote anonymously, we are unfortunately unable to track your feedback!
Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
With delivery with quality of goods. More expensive but do what should do thank you recommend
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24/07/2024Mariola K.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hello Mrs. Kruszyna,
Thank you very much for your feedback! We are pleased that you are satisfied with the quality of our products, even if the price is higher. We understand that quality has its price and are grateful that you continue to place your trust in us.

Your recommendation means a lot to us - thank you very much!

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
Species-appropriate food is the basis for a healthy dog!
Unfortunately, we only found this out very late!

Our retriever dog Zimi (8 years old) started refusing her food a year ago and we couldn't explain why. We tried all sorts of food, sought advice from the vet, but there was no improvement. Then by chance we became aware of Reico and after a very nice email contact with Mr. Rißmann-Wieland it was clear to us why our Zimi no longer liked her food. There were a lot of artificial ingredients in our food, nothing natural. No wonder we thought, we wouldn't eat that either.
When we switched to Reico, our little one started eating again with pleasure and had more zest for life. Thanks to the new food, we were able to adjust her weight so that she had fewer problems with her HD and osteoarthritis. You can't expect more when you've been feeding her worthless food for so long, which is enough to keep her alive but doesn't help maintain her lifelong health. Zimi is once again a happy, lively and fun-loving dog who brings us a lot of joy. In the meantime, I have done a lot of research into dog nutrition and have even considered BARF. However, Reico is the ideal solution for us, it smells good for us humans too, 100% good ingredients for dogs. Thanks to the Heimatglück variety, it's easy to take with you on vacation, it's easy to handle and the dog likes it. It's a pity that we came across Reico and Mr. Rißmann-Wieland so late, we would have always liked to offer our dog a healthy diet.

Greetings from the island of Rügen, the Reichardt family
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Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern Ronny Rißmann-Wieland
11/06/2024Fam. R.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hello Reichardt family,

Thank you very much for your detailed and warm feedback! We are delighted that Zimi is enjoying life so much again thanks to the switch to Reico and that she loves eating the food. It's never too late to start feeding the right food, and it's wonderful to hear how the food has had a positive effect on her well-being and health - especially with regard to her HD and osteoarthritis.

We are delighted that you have given so much thought to your dog's diet and that Reico is the ideal solution for you. We are happy to pass on your praise to Mr. Rißmann-Wieland.

Best regards to Rügen,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
Dear Feeding Team,
Our two Maltese dogs Cherie and Minchen play a very special role in our lives. Especially Cherie, who we fell in love with immediately when we first met her in Spain. However, she was sickly from the start and we took her to the vet very often, especially as visits to the vet are always very stressful for dogs.
We have been feeding her Reico dog food for about six months now and our dogs have been doing wonderfully ever since. Cherie in particular has been spared many a trip to the vet, which has also saved us a lot of vet costs. Minchen is a real bundle of joy and both dogs love to play. We are convinced of the species-appropriate feeding, especially the high meat content, as is the case with Reico.
We see the results every day and it makes us happy to see how well both our dogs are doing. Thank you also for the good advice and support from our consultant Mr. Rißmann-Wieland and we wish you continued success and hope that many other dogs will also get to know Reico.

Your Gerd and Rosi Hagedorn
and our two dogs Cherie and Minchen from Leverkusen
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Customer review & rating for:
Hinterlassen Sie eine Bewertung für Ihren ersten Einkauf
04/06/2024Fam. Hagedorn aus L.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:
Hello Gerd and Rosi,

Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback! We are very pleased that Cherie and Minchen are doing so well thanks to the switch to Reico. It's great to hear that Cherie now needs fewer visits to the vet and that you can see both dogs playing full of zest for life again - that's the best compliment for us!

We are thrilled that you are so convinced of the species-appropriate feeding and the high meat content. Your trust in us and our food means a lot to us. Mr. Rißmann-Wieland will be delighted to hear your praise!

All the best for you and your two furry friends!
Your team from Liebe Füttern
5.00 out of 5
I always order the Cellmin. Since I've been taking it, I feel more vital, fitter and generally full of energy.
My orders have always been hassle-free, the delivery was reliable and the payment was handled perfectly.
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Customer review & rating for:
Reico Vertriebspartner Liebe Füttern
31/05/2024Petra S.
REICO Partner Liebe Füttern Comment from REICO Partner Liebe Füttern:

Thank you very much for your positive feedback! We are delighted to hear that you feel more vital and full of energy with Cellmin. This is exactly what we want to achieve with our products!

We are also pleased that the ordering and delivery processes are running so smoothly for you. If you have any questions or requests in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards,
Your team from Liebe Füttern
6 Reviews from
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5.00 out of 5
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