Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine breite Palette an unterschiedlichen Transportdienstleistungen: ob Privatumzüg, zeitkritische Kuriersendung, oder regelmäßiger Palettenversand - wir sind Ihr Partner für alle Transportangelegenheiten in Deutschland & Europa!
Darius at Saatkary Cargo went above and beyond at short notice to facilitate the delivery of a time-sensitive package for us from Cologne to Barcelona in time for an event. His driver collected the package from a warehouse late in the evening at short notice after we'd been let down by the original delivery company. Communication was always very fast and reliable, and we felt confident that he'd manage the international delivery in time around our needs. Thank you so much for your help, and we'd highly recommend your service.
What a great experience.
I would highly recommend this service.
The company went out of their way to help me in a time of need, especially when I lost my most valuable bag at the Berlin airport. One is always sceptical at first when loosing things, but with the great communication and reliability I managed to get my luggage bag back all the way to SA in one piece. Especially with all the contents and my Berlin marathon medal.
If you ever loose something at the airport, they are the company to call.
Thank you for the great service received.
Alle Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu SAATKARY CARGO sind subjektive Meinungen der Verfasser | Für den Inhalt der Seite ist der Profilinhaber verantwortlich |
Profil aktiv seit 03.01.2023 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.03.2025
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