Taryn J. White is an attorney and senior legal analyst at FightDUICharges DUI Defense Lawyer Offices, Findlaw, Nolo, and Justia - top-rated driving under the influence defense, DWI defense, and professional driver's license revocation defense law
organizations serving every state.
The attorney offices are staffed with renowned legal team members of OWI defense attorneys, who collectively have over 84 years of courtroom experience resolving thousands of refusal offense and driving while intoxicated cases, administrative DMV license hearings, and taking a case all the way to trial when necessary.
FightDUICharges Law Offices have participated in creating new DUI-related defense strategies challenging DWI offenses of every type, which often will include: misdemeanor first offense DUI charges, felony offense DWI with car accident injury, DUI test refusal arrests, sleeping in a parked car while impaired, CDL license DWI, professional license DUI, driving under the influence of drugs, operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol.
Through the years, Taryn and her expert team of criminal DUI defense lawyers have attained an excellent reputation as experienced, compassionate affordable lawyers for clients navigating many of life's most difficult circumstances.
Furthermore, pro bono attorney for DUI cases are often available through the attorney office in many locations for people who are struggling financially, so they can still have top legal representation to help resolve a case to the best outcome possible.