Vietnam Asien Tour

Specialist tour operator for trips to Vietnam and Indochina

Contact information
Vietnam Asia Tour is a specialized tour operator for trips to Vietnam and Indochina. The customer's wishes are customized and each trip will be an unforgettable experience and unique. We will be happy to advise you in detail about your travel plans. Please send us an inquiry. We look forward to your visit online & offline in our office.

Contact information

Vietnam Asien Tour
Welfenstr., 1
30161 Hannover / Niedersachsen

Contact person
Hr. Nguyen

Images & Videos

Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Review from 27/03/2025  
5.00 out of 5
Top competencies

Range of services

4.50 out of 5
4 Reviews

Specialised knowledge

4.50 out of 5
4 Reviews

All-around approach

4.50 out of 5
4 Reviews

67 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
Vielen Dank an Asiatica für die super Organisation. Der Reiseablauf war bis ins kleinste bestens abgestimmt. Die Unterkünfte waren optimal. Von den Gastfamilien wurden wir herzlich aufgenommen und wir haben uns dort sehr wohl gefühlt. Auch das Essen wurde mit viel Liebe und sehr geschmackvoll zubereitet. Mit den drei Reiseleitern waren wir ebenfalls sehr zufrieden. Sie haben uns viel über das Land, die Kultur und die Menschen vermittelt und sind auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen. Unsere Gruppe ist begeistert von Vietnam, von den unvergessenen Landschaften und der Vegetation im Norden, den Trubel der Großstädte, die Offenheit und der Toleranz der Menschen. Leider hat es mit der Abholung in Saigon vom Hotel zum Flughafen nicht so richtig geklappt. Als zur angegebenen Zeit kein Fahrer erschien, haben wir uns an die Hotel-Mitarbeiter gewandt und diese haben mit der Agentur telefoniert. Daraufhin wurden uns zeitnah zwei Taxen zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies nur als Anmerkung.
Insgesamt eine sehr gelungene Reise. Die Zeit verging viel zu schnell.
Wie bedanken uns auch bei Asiatica für das Gastgeschenk in Hanoi.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viele zufriedene Reisende und dem gesamten Team alles Gute.
Vielen Dank für alles.
Liebe Grüße
Ramona Nake
Customer review & rating for:
27/03/2025Ramona N.
4.50 out of 5
Vietnam Asien Tour ohne Zweifel, sehr gut. Herzlichen Dank !
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Unsere Vietnamreise im Januar war einfach unvergesslich! Die Betreuung und Beratung waren hervorragend. Schon zu Beginn erhielten wir tolle Vorschläge für unsere Reise, die perfekt auf unsere Wünsche abgestimmt waren. Es war deutlich, dass der Reiseveranstalter den "Daumen drauf" hatte und wirklich auf jedes Detail achtete. Die Flüge, Hotels und Transfers waren bestens organisiert – alles verlief reibungslos.
Besonders beeindruckt hat uns der Strand von Mui Ne mit Sanddünen, der wirklich traumhaft war, sowie die wunderschöne Phu Quoc Insel. Die Sapa Reisterassen waren ein absoluter Höhepunkt der Reise – zauberhaft und atemberaubend. Auch der Ausflug ins Mekong-Delta, mit den schwimmenden Märkten, war ein echtes Abenteuer, das wir so schnell nicht vergessen werden.
Wir können diese Reise nur empfehlen und bedanken uns herzlich für den großartigen Service und die perfekte Organisation! 

Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
4.00 out of 5
Reiseleiter war leider sehr sehr schlecht. Keine Vorbereitung, keine Kenntnisse, sehr schlechtes Englisch, nie zugehört.
Customer review & rating for:
19/02/2025Mathys V.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Liebe Mathys,

herzlichen Dank für Ihre sehr gute Bewertung trotz aller Schwierigkeiten mit dem Reiseleiter.

Ja, das war große Herausforderung für dem Guide, da Sie nur sehr auf Besuch von Pagoden und Tempeln spezialisieren wollten. Sehr leider haben wir keinen Guide, der Buhddismus studierte. Wir nehmen Ihre Anliegen ernst und werden uns verbessern.

Wir hoffen, Sie bald begrüßen zu dürfen und wünschen Ihnen Alles Gute ! 😊

Vietnam-Asien-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Unsere 3-wöchige Kombireise Laos - Kambodscha und Vietnam war insgesamt eine tolle Erfahrung! Trotz einer Flugverspätung wurden wir vom geduldigen Fahrer abgeholt. Das Wetter in Sapa war zwar nicht ideal, aber die Route wurde von Reiseleiter flexibel angepasst, sodass wir dennoch viel in der Umgebung sehen konnten. Die Antworten auf unsere Fragen kamen vom Vietnam Team immer schnell, und selbst bei kleinen Problemen während der Reise wurde uns sofort geholfen. In kurzer Zeit haben wir 3 neue Kulturen kennengelernt und viele Menscheneindrücke gesammelt. Wir waren nach München zurückgekehrt – mit wunderschönen Erinnerungen. Vielen Dank für die Traumreise😊
Marta & Yunes
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Vietnam Asien Tour
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Hallo Marta,

vielen Dank für Ihre sehr gute Bewertung!
Es freut uns sehr, durch die Reise in Vietnam, Ihr Traum schon erfüllt war.

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für 2025 !

Ihr Vietnam-Asien-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Von der Beratung bis zur Durchführung Top
Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Lieber Franz,

Wir sind überracht über Ihre Super Bewertung.

Vielen Dank dafür und wünschen Ihnen Alles Gute !

Vietnam-Asien-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Kürzeste Reisezeit aber Top Reiseprogramm
Unsere 5-köpfige Familie hat eine unvergessliche Reise durch Halong Bucht und Ninh Binh erlebt. Die Beratung von Vietnam Asien Tour war sehr individuell, sodass die Reise genau zu unseren Wünschzielen gepasst hat. Die Hotels waren ausgezeichnet und die lokalen Guides Frau Mai, Frau Huyen und Herr Dung waren sehr freundlich. Sie hatten uns immer sehr guten Tipps für Street food in Vietnam gegeben, wo das Essen günstig und am besten schmecken.
Die beeindruckendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Mittelvietnam waren Ancient Hoi An und My Sonund Hai Van Pass.
Herzlichen Dank an das Team Vietnam Tour und auch an Reiseleiterinen !
Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
27/01/2025Monica M.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Liebe Monica,

vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung und Ihr positives Feedback.
Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie mit unserem Reiseprogramm und Reisedurchführung zufrieden sind.
Wir wünschen Ihnen & Ihrer Familie eine schöne Frühling !

Vietnam-Asien-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Dear Vietnam Asia Tour team,
Thank you very much for the unforgettable experiences in Vietnam. We can only recommend private tours with Vietnam Asia Tour. Because you can choose not only vacation times but also travel destinations. Everything is very flexible.
We spent 21 days on a round trip from Hanoi to Saigon with Vietnam Asia Tour. What we particularly liked was the 4-day luxury junk boat tour in Halong Bay. Two nights in the beautiful Hotel Emeralda Tam Coc Resort and 2 nights in Mai Chau (approx. 150 km from Hanoi) in Mai Chau Ecolodge Resort were also a dream for us. In Ninh Binh we started with a boat trip & then cycled around the rice fields. Mai Chau - North Vietnam is also a beautiful valley with rice terraces surrounded by rivers, a highly spectacular picture. We spent the last 5 days in a very nice beach hotel in Mui Ne in southern Vietnam. Since our children wanted to participate in many activities on the beach, Vietnam Asia Tour recommended us to go to Mui Ne, an ideal place for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing, sand surfing. Fantastic 😀
Possibly we will vacation in Vietnam again in 2 years. Many thanks to Vietnam Asia Tour!
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Customer review & rating for:
10/12/2024Oliver, B.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Liebster Oliver B.,

herzlichen Dank für Ihre wundervolle Rückmeldung! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie unvergessliche Erlebnisse in Vietnam hatten. Die Highlights, die Sie erwähnt haben – die Dschunken-Bootstour in der Halong-Bucht, der Aufenthalt im Emeralda Tam Coc und in Mai Chau – sind wirklich etwas Besondere Momente.
Schön, dass Ihre Kinder auch ihren Spaß in Mui Ne hatten und an all den spannenden Aktivitäten teilnehmen konnten! Wir wären begeistert, Sie in zwei Jahren wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen, um gemeinsam noch mehr Reiserlebnisse zu schaffen.
Vielen Dank nochmals, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns zu teilen. Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute & hoffen, bald wieder von Ihnen zu hören!

Herzliche Grüße,
Das Team von Vietnam Asien Tour
5.00 out of 5
Fascinating round trip ! Thank you very much Vietnam Asia Tour !
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Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Vielen Dank Lena für Ihre positive Rückmeldung! Es freut uns zu hören, dass Sie eine faszinierende Rundreise mit Vietnam Asien Tour erlebt haben. Wir schätzen Ihre Empfehlung und freuen uns darauf, Ihnen auch in Zukunft unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu bieten. Wenn Sie weitere Anregungen haben oder spezielle Wünsche für zukünftige Reisen, lassen Sie es uns gerne wissen!

Viele Grüße
Vietnam-Asien-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Three weeks for us as a small group of 8 people a sensational trip!
Not only were all our selected program points such as Mai Chau, Ban Gioc Detian waterfalls, Phong Nha cave, Cat Ba, very well implemented but also interesting places, which we visited thanks to tips from the tour guides. Three days & two nights on board the wooden junk in Halong Bay was unique.
We enjoyed the country and its people authentically every day. The itinerary was a very good mix of excursions, relaxation and swimming. We chose to relax and soak up the sun on Con Dao Island on the recommendation of Vietnam Asia Tour. The isolated, untouched archipelago is beautiful.

Thank you for a great tour.
Best regards
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Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Neckermann,

Thank you very much for your great review of our travel team.
When we created the travel program for your group, we were quite sure that you would like it.

Thought and done!

Stay healthy with your friends and see you soon!
Best regards
Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Many thanks to the local tour guides.
We were quite satisfied with the itinerary Hanoi, Halong Bay, Sapa, Pu Luong, Ninh Binh, Danang, Hue, Hoi An, Saigon City.
Our Vietnam round trip was organized by a professional agency, so that we were able to visit many places worth seeing in just 2 weeks.
We can recommend the trip without reservation! Many thanks again.
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Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Olli,

Your experience is also ours. We do our best for your satisfaction.
Stay healthy and see you soon!
Best regards
Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Great value for money! All's well that ends well!
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Customer review & rating for:
09/10/2024Daniel B.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Daniel Burger,

There is nothing better than your award for us. We would like to thank you for this.
Best regards
Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
4.80 out of 5
This was my family's second time in Vietnam. The first time we were in Hanoi and Da Nang. The second time we were in the south of Vietnam with a beach vacation on Phu Quoc Island and in Nha Trang. Our trip was perfectly organized.
We are very satisfied!
Thank you very much and gladly again with Vietnam-Asia-Tour.
Christine Mühler
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Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
30/09/2024Christine M.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Welcome to us for the second time.
We are very pleased that you have always brought your satisfaction to us. Thank you for your great review!
All the best for your family.
With best regards
Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
4.80 out of 5
Very professional !
Many thanks to Vietnam Asia Tour. Overall, we enjoyed our 30-day Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia round trip very much, although our requirements were very individual. The itinerary was fascinating in every detail.
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Vietnam Asien Tour
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Judi family,
Thank you very much for your appreciation of our service!
With long round trip you have proud memory.
Best regards
Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Super great experience!

We spent 2 weeks vacation for our wedding in Phu Quoc Island of Vietnam. Not only did we like the perfect beach location with a fantastic sea view, but the service and food were also overwhelmingly varied. Excursions to Saigon & Mui Ne were also unique.
Many thanks to the Vietnam-Asia-Tour team for the organization.
We can only recommend them.

Best regards from Anita and Dieter
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Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Hello Anita & Dieter,

You have placed your trust in us. And you have proven this by your satisfaction.
We look forward to supporting you again on your trip in the future.
Until then, we wish you both all the best!

Nguyen from Vietnam-Asia-Tour
5.00 out of 5
Super great 16-day Vietnam tour in July!

Vietnam-Asia-Tour organized everything perfectly for our family of 4.
Boat tours in Halong Bay & Mekong Delta were wonderful. From North to South Vietnam, many sights are unforgettable for us.
The tour guide & driver in Vietnam were friendly and experienced. In Sapa & Mu Cang Chai we did a lot of walking. The bike tour in Ninh Binh - dry Halong Bay was strenuous but beautiful. Not only the homestay accommodation but also the food in Hoi An and Hanoi was unique and authentic.
We would have stayed longer in Vietnam, but unfortunately our time was up.

An eventful trip & many thanks to the Vietnam-Asia-Tour team!
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Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
20/07/2024Mina N.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Mina,

Thank you very much for your great review!

We are very pleased that your family really enjoyed the tour. Yes, the varied program across Vietnam was exhausting for your family. But you enjoyed a wonderful experience.
If you are planning another Indochina tour next time, just come and see us.

We wish you & your family all the best and see you soon!

Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Exceeded our expectations!
It was a very authentic and beautiful trip in Vietnam for our group of 6 people. The tour guide Ms. Hoa not only speaks good German but is also very friendly. She told us a lot about the country and its people.
We experienced a lot, got to know a beautiful country with nature and very nice people. The travel program was well put together and fitted our wishes exactly.
In particular, we experienced the Vietnamese minorities in NINH BINH, SAPA, HALONG BUCHT and small villages in Ha Giang. The host families were all very nice to us. Some of our friends also helped them with the cooking.

We are still totally excited about the trip.
Many thanks to Vietnam-Asia-Tour and we will definitely see you again sometime.
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Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
10/07/2024Franz M.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Franz Weber,

Thank you very much for your feedback. We are very happy that you and your group had an authentic experience in Vietnam.

We wish you all the best and everlasting memories of this Vietnam trip.

Best regards from Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Vietnam and its diversity-One more time...!

My wife and I are amazed by this country. This country has a lot to offer, the traditional culture with its temples, the history of the city of Hue and infinitely more. Our trip went for 2 weeks throughout Vietnam and thanks to Vietnam Asia Tour we could take home many individual impressions of Hanoi and Saigon, which is a very lively, modern city. We loved the traditional food and the special street food like "Banh Cuon", "Bun Cha" etc. Then we visited Hue and learned about the history of the kingdom, which was very interesting for both of us. Overall, the rice to Vietnam for 2 weeks was worth its weight in gold and soon we will visit Vietnam again! There is still so much to explore and experience.
My wife and I would like to thank the travel agency Vietnam-Asia-Tour, who with us the rice so carefully and according to our wishes have designed the trip perfectly.
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Customer review & rating for:
29/06/2023Maximilian L.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Maximilian,

Thank you for your review of our travel team. Your satisfaction is very important to us. You are welcome to discover Vietnam again next time. There are still many interesting places that you are sure to enjoy. We will be happy to advise you personally.

Kind regards

Vietnam-Asia-Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
Customer review & rating for:
Vietnam Asien Tour
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear travel guest,

thank you very much for your very good review.

See you soon & many greetings

Vietnam Asia Tour Team
5.00 out of 5
A wonderful/valuable memory in Vietnam-Thailand-Cambodia (Round Trip)

Dear Mrs. Le,

My family with 2 children was able to experience a 6-week round trip to Vietnam,Thailand and Cambodia. The round trip was brilliant and ideally arranged for us. First we were in Vietnam. The hotels had a perfect location and we were thrilled by the variety of cuisine in Vietnam-be it street food. We were shown everything in detail-the people living there and the country itself. We had experienced a 3-day homestay with rice fields and hiking in Sapa.We especially liked Sapa because of a very beautiful view of the countryside. In Thailand we were also thrilled. Here we had delicious food with exotic/tropical, unusual and tasty fruits. In addition, we were allowed a beach vacation in Phuket,Pattaya and Koh Samui besonnen. The beaches were clean,there were not too many people and you could relax there very well. What really fascinated us was the clear water in Phuket, which we have never seen before.
In any case, we always had breaks in between and sometimes relaxed days. The tour was very well thought out and Mrs. Le gave us really helpful tips.
At this point, thanks again to Mrs. Le and of course Vietnam Asia Tour, who have planned the round trip together with us! I can only recommend the round trip, especially the country Vietnam!

We will advise on any our next trip to Asia with you!
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Customer review & rating for:
29/03/2023Lina W.
Vietnam Asien Tour Comment from Vietnam Asien Tour:
Dear Ms. Weber,

thank you very much for your top rating. We are very happy that you and your family have experienced a lot in Vietnam - Thailand & Cambodia authentic. We are proud of our country Vietnam this is the reason why we had planned your round trip well.
We are looking forward to your next visit Mrs. Weber .
Kind regards from Le & Team Vietnam Asia Tour
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